So how do you boost your ACT essay score? Take a look at these tips!

You will have three different perspectives in your ACT prompt, and you need to analyze each before defining your line. Choose the perspective that will help you to create an excellent ACT essay.
Look at the selected ACT essay prompt from various angles and try to understand why this topic became part of the discussion. Refrain from sticking with the first idea you will have. Analyze all three perspectives and understand which will be the most successful. Identify all viable arguments for each stand. After analyzing three topic perspectives, choose one for your essay. Remember that your attitude should be unique. It means you should not select one angle from the given task and state it. Try to combine ideas, and include a brief analysis of them from your point of view. If you want the highest score, your line and argumentation should not copy the one from ACT essay prompts. Research is an essential step in creating an advanced essay. First, you must analyze act writing prompts and find as many arguments for your text as possible. Writing the ACT essay is simple if you use unique ideas for the structure. Reread the topic and define which line is not represented in given perspectives. You analyzed all perspectives for discussion, chose a unique line for your argumentation, and are ready to start working on ACT writing. What is next? The next step is working with an ACT essay format and structure. Next, we will learn how to write an ACT essay step-by-step. You can see different samples and understand how your work will be scored. But and get the highest grade? Let’s go through each stage of ACT writing essay creation and clarify the importance of each step. Finally, our goal is to make you a proficient writer who is ready to work on any task without worrying about any topic.

However, there are a few more ACT essay tips for your test day:

A huge heads up, though: the ACT science section is not a science test. As in, it doesn’t really test your scientific knowledge. It’s essentially another critical reading test, just on graphs and charts and data. You’re required to understand some very basic aspects of science, like how variables work in experiments and how to apply logical reasoning. But you are required to have virtually no scientific facts or knowledge before you take the test—they basically give you everything you need.

Studying for the ACT essay is simple: just practice!

A reminder: If you’re eager to succeed with a to help you write a flawless essay check out . It is built on my proven tactics and methodologies and has an average user score improvement of over +4.66 points.

Then, use our handy ACT Essay Grading tool to find your score:

It gets a little trickier if you took the SAT before 2016, when the maximum score was 2400. If that’s the case, we recommend using this to find what your older score would be on the newer test. You can then run the revised score through the College Board’s calculator to discover how you would have performed on the ACT.

The scoring criteria for the ACT essay are based on four categories:

Time management is crucial in the ACT with Writing. With only 40 minutes to complete the essay, it’s important to allocate your time wisely.

Master Essay Writing for the ACT-FAST

At first, it seems like there’s a ton more to do. In reality, the ACT is doing all of the hard work for you! All you need to do is read carefully, pick what you like, and then follow a simple process to “plug in your opinion.”

High scoring ACT essays include:

Like any other type of writing work, an ACT essay should be proofread before submission. You will have only 40 minutes to write 300+ words using a paper and pen. You need to have sufficient time at the end of your test to check spelling and grammar mistakes. An ACT writing section can be stressful, as you have limited time and must clearly illustrate your ability to think and analyze. You may write your essay in a rush and make some mistakes in spelling words. Plan around 5 minutes for .