GPTZero is the best AI detection tool for teachers and educators.

Detecting the use of AI writers can also be useful in other scenarios, such as when you're outsourcing content writing or creating original academic research.
However, AI detection isn't necessary if you're creating articles to rank higher in search engines. Google has repeatedly announced that its focus is not on how content is created but on the value it delivers. AI detection tools are specialized software designed to check for AI-generated text in content. By using them, you can verify to a reasonable degree whether your content was written by a human or generated using an AI tool. Many people want to receive only human-created content and know their interactions are genuine. That's why recruiters want to be sure that they connect with a person when reading a cover letter or an email. So, they need a trustworthy AI text detector to ensure authenticity and originality. As well as using AI detectors, you can also learn to spot the identifying features of AI writing yourself. It’s difficult to do so reliably—human writing can sometimes seem robotic, and AI writing tools are more and more convincingly human—but you can develop a good instinct for it. AI detectors use machine learning algorithms and natural language processing (NLP) techniques to analyze writing style and tone to audit content. The SEO sphere can suffer from machine-written content significantly. Google has policies that don't allow the use of AI-made content, that's why you'd want to use AI plagiarism detection.

Pros: Acting as a backup free AI content detector.

Simply paste in the text you want to check, or upload your file. Source finder will detect as many checkable, objective claims in your text and match those to sources from online, academic, and publicly available data coming from AI-powered search engines. You may find sources that would directly support or contradict these claims. You can cite the relevant snippet from the source, and also citations in MLA, Chicago, APA, Bibtex and IEEE.

Write, study, and research faster while remaining undetectable

Our AI essay detector complements our similarity checking workflow and is integrated with your LMS, providing a seamless, familiar experience.

AI & Plagiarism Detector for Serious Content Publishers

We use AI to detect claims and arguments and pair them with potentially relevant sources. We actively do NOT recommend AI-generated content, due to their unreliability, and filter out sources that are potentially AI-generated.

Was this text written by a human or AI?

GPTZero source finder is to detect potentially misleading claims in text and give recommendations for sources that support or contradict those claims. Our tool allows you to find any arguments or “claims” in a document that may require more scrutiny, and then links to helpful sources to dive deeper into your analysis and provide helpful context. You can pull these into your own research, or share your results to improve someone else's.

Write, study, and research faster while remaining undetectable

Welcome to the Turnitin AI Innovation Lab, a hub for new and upcoming product developments in the area of AI writing. You can follow our progress on detection initiatives for AI-written content, ChatGPT, and AI paraphrasing.

AI should be used as a tool, not a replacement for a human writer.

The quality and originality of content are crucial for SEO rankings. Going forward, search engines may penalize AI-generated content like blog posts and articles, Merlin AI content detector tool helps maintain the quality of SEO content.