Analytical Essay Example College
After working through the various components of an analytical essay, the actual writing process should go smoothly (and quickly!). In fact, the components of the essay don't even have to be written in chronological order once you've written a solid introduction with a good thesis, and have researched the topic thoroughly.
The connection, or "the why," is what follows a piece of evidence. You should never use a quote, paraphrase, or example without explaining why it is important. This connection is what ties the evidence and claim together to make a cohesive analysis. You need to reference portions of the text to demonstrate its effectiveness or lack of effectiveness because summaries, paraphrases, and quotes from the text illustrate the writer's actual arguments. The specific words and ideas of the writer are what your arguments and reasoning around the essay's effectiveness are based upon. Referencing the text provides evidence to support your own writing and also provides your own reader with the original text to go back and review. The body is the framework or support structure for your thesis statement, and will be a significant part of your essay's word count. However, don't attempt to make the body one big section; it can be broken down into mini sections and paragraphs to make it more logical and readable. These mini sections are dependent on the supporting facts you are using to back up your thesis statement. If your analytical essay uses , then each supporting fact (or mini section) should be one paragraph long. It does not matter how many supporting facts your essay has or how many paragraphs go into each reason in the body of the essay. This is dependent on what you need to say, how in-depth the essay should be, and if the essay has a required length. Remember that every supporting fact mentioned in your thesis should be included in further detail within the body of your essay. In every five-paragraph essay, you need to include a brief statement of supporting facts as part of the thesis statement to show how you are going to back up your thesis. Keep in mind that in longer essays, the thesis statement may be more than one sentence. In these cases, each supporting fact may have its own sentence or sentences. Please note that these supporting facts must be further detailed in the rest of your essay. How do you write a great, cohesive thesis statement? You do it by combining the goal of your essay with your analysis, and how you're going to back it up.
How To Write An Analytical Essay - Example
Not long ago I had to sign a "social responsibility" statement for my job. The contract requires employees to review the policies and standards of the organization and exercise good judgment online. Human Resources has also issued a ludicrous one-strike rule. This new policy states that if we post something that reflects poorly on the industry, the company, or any employees, we must either a) deactivate our online accounts or b) change our profile names so no one will know where we work. If we refuse, we will be fired. This is a violation of civil liberties! No piece of paper I am forced to sign is going to change what I choose to do online.
Analytical Essay Example APA Format
This example introduces the essay topic of visual symbolism and explains the background of color symbolism in texts and media. Once these things are firmly established, you are ready to propose your thesis.
Analytical Essay Example on A Book
Many writers often find it easier to determine the hook after everything else is written. By doing so, you have a more complete view of your essay and can find a fitting hook that encapsulates it in its entirety.
Macbeth Analytical Essay Example
In his chapter “Can We Be Good Without God?”, Shermer successfully proves that we can indeed be good without God. He appealed to readers’ emotions by describing the nightmare that was the Columbine massacre and led his audience to logically conclude that no outside influences caused the perpetrators’ behavior. Through the strategic use of quotes and examples, Shermer effectively demonstrated that contrary to the beliefs of religious authorities, deeply religious people are capable of behaving extremely immorally. Shermer ingeniously substantiated his point by asking readers to ponder what their own behavior might be like without God holding them accountable for their actions. I feel that this was his most convincing piece of evidence in support of his argument, it is hard to deny his logic when applying it to oneself. It can be assumed that most readers would continue to behave morally, and would agree with Shermer that we can be good without God.
Not Quite a Clean Sweep: Rhetorical Strategies in
In perhaps his most convincing argument that one need not be religious to behave morally, Shermer gets personal. He asks readers the question “What would you do if there was no God?” (154). Now the reader must contemplate the point Shermer has been trying to make, but on an intimate level. He forces one to admit that if it was learned that God did not exist, the vast majority of people would continue to behave morally. Most people would not, free from fear of eternal reprisal, proceed to pillage, rape, and commit murder. After this degree of self-examination, it would be illogical to disagree that morality is not a creation of religion.