Learn more about how to reference titles in AP style.

For more specific title capitalization rules, you can see the following sections which cover each style of title capitalization rules or check out our for common capitalization questions. Our tool lets you convert the case of your text easily into sentence case.
The other major type of title capitalization standard is sentence case. Sentence case simply means you capitalize the first letter of a sentence, , and nothing else as opposed to capitalizing almost every first letter in title case. It is the same across all of the four styles. While the above words are generally capitalized in titles regardless of style, there are some words that are generally not capitalized when using title case. Again, these will depend on the specific style you choose (see section). These include short words and conjunctions: AP style press releases follow specific style guidelines and are intended to be distributed through the Associated Press. They are used by organizations of all types that want to improve their chances of landing additional coverage. Correct formatting makes it easier for journalists to pick up and publish their stories. Title case is the most common form of title and headline capitalization and is found in all four major title capitalization styles. Title case is also commonly used for book titles, movies titles, song names, plays, and other works. Chicago Style is one of the most used and respected headline capitalization methods used in journalism. The rules are fairly standard for title case: First, it is important to note that there are four main title capitalization styles: Chicago style, APA style, MLA style, and AP style. Each of these capitalization styles has slightly different rules for which words are capitalized and each of these styles can be written using title case capitalization or sentence case capitalization.

An example of a good headline for an AP style press release(Source: )

Now that you know how to write an AP style press release, boost the quality of your story even more. Read up on dozens of that can help you land media coverage.

A comprehensive guide to the AP style of writing

After learning how to write an AP style press release and completing the steps above, it’s time to . This is a crucial part of landing press. It’s how your press release gets into the hands of the journalists who can give your story (and your organization) additional media coverage.

AP Style | NMU Writing Center - Northern Michigan University

The boilerplate is the “about” section that appears at the very bottom when you write an AP style press release. It should include your company’s background, awards, amount of time in business, or anything else that might be interesting about your company or give your news more weight.

Associated Press (AP) - Writing & Citation Style Guides

Put these elements in 12 pt bold font and use the proper format for state abbreviations, noting that eight states (Alaska, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Maine, Ohio, Texas, and Utah) are never abbreviated. Below is a list of state abbreviations for AP style press releases, plus for Washington, D.C. (the District of Columbia):

The AP Stylebook is a writing style guide for journalists

The subheadline should be formatted in 13-point Times New Roman font and in title case to comply with AP style formatting, and be italicized to draw your reader’s attention. The subheadline gives you another opportunity to grab the attention of journalists with your story’s angle and incorporate search-friendly keywords.

[PDF] AP Style .pdf - KSU Writing Center

Yes—there are best practices for writing AP style press releases that ensure you get the best results for your effort. These include choosing the right for your announcement, enriching it with multimedia (e.g., images, video, and graphics), and condensing text into easily scannable bullet points where you can.