The Argumentative Essay: Health Care in America

Health Insurance is essential to your Personal Well Being and your Health. For a large proportion of uninsured people, health insurance can and is most often a matter of choice. Uninsured Americans normally tend to delay and even go without doctors' visits, prescription medications, and other effective treatments, even if they know they have a serious or life-threatening condition. Institute of Science and Technology (Institute 2009). 20 to 30 percent of uninsured children are more likely to need certain shots, prescription medications, asthma care, basic dental care and other things that we would consider a must have.
The right to affordable health care is as sacrosanct as the right to be free, if not more. The most important issue is making medical care a right for everyone at an affordable price. American health care has an insurance-based system; thus, to get affordable and efficient medical help, you should be insured. Currently, there are about 44 million uninsured Americans. According to Elizabeth Bradley, the author of the book The American Health Care Paradox, the paradox of today’s system is that “United States spends so much on health care but continues to lag behind in health outcomes” (33).… The right to affordable health care is as sacrosanct as the right to be free, if not more. The most important issue is making medical care a right for everyone at an affordable price. American health care has an insurance-based system; thus, to get affordable and efficient medical help, you should be insured. Currently, there are about 44 million uninsured Americans. According to Elizabeth Bradley, the author of the book The American Health Care Paradox, the paradox of today’s system is that “United States spends so much on health care but continues to lag behind in health outcomes” (33).… For example there’s equal opportunity argument made by Daniels, principles of beneficence, and utilitarian approaches. Daniels argues that everyone should have the same opportunities in life when it comes to health-care. Principles of beneficence argues that it would be for the overall good of society if everyone had health-care. And the utilitarian approach argues that health-care is a positive right and the government has a duty to help. Another argument in favor for health-care as a right is recognizing health-care as a human right that we get simply for being a human and the government owes us this right.… This document argues that denying undocumented immigrants access to healthcare would be inhumane and go against core American values. It notes that many undocumented immigrants came to the US seeking a better life, as earlier generations of immigrants did. Denying them healthcare could have serious consequences if they fall ill. While some argue providing healthcare to undocumented immigrants is unnecessary government spending, the document counters that denying care based on citizenship status alone would be a form of discrimination. It appeals to principles of equality and human rights laid out in documents like the Declaration of Independence and Rights of Man in arguing healthcare should be considered an unalienable right for all people within a nation's borders. Since you are to write an argumentative essay, you should acquaint your readers with both sides of the selected issue. Hence, your paper should include the three main elements: argument, counterargument, and rebuttal. In the first part of the main body, you have to write some arguments, which support the idea of mandatory childhood immunization. For instance, you can provide a list of severe illnesses, which can be prevented using vaccination. To support your argument, you can refer to the article, which is published on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website. Universal healthcare is a tangible possibility for our country. While it may be considerably difficult to approve and implement, its benefits, in comparison to our current system, truly outweigh the minimal drawbacks. For a smooth transition it would be important to acknowledge the costs that come with its establishment, the equity it provides for such a heterogeneous nation, and its potential to eliminate the political and medical corruption that poisons our nation. Universal healthcare would be such an asset to this country, so it is vital we do not let the opportunity be squandered by advocating for our rights and making it known that we, the people, want access to affordable, quality healthcare. It is when we use our voices that we can invoke change in the legislation and ultimately achieve our goal of Medicare-for-All.

argumentative essay about universal healthcare.

Universal Healthcare Should Not Be Allowed Universal Healthcare in the United States of American is very expensive compared to other countries like Canada and England. Americans spend more than 50% on health care than the next countries. For America to pay for Universal Healthcare, the government will have increased taxes on our wages, Doctors would have to take a pay cut, people would overuse healthcare, and we would get less than quality care. This paper will present an argument on one side of that debate, consider objections from the other side, and will defend the position that the Universal Healthcare should not be free for the American people.…

Argumentative Essay about Health Care - EduBirdie

After all, it should be a right to be healthy. This is not the case with how the health system works in America. If everybody has the right to be healthy, then why is it only affordable to the upper class? Denying necessary coverage is denying the right to be healthy. Democrat Representative James Clyburn in South Carolina, said in an article that the health care problem in America is “the civil rights movement of the 21st century” (Faces of...Debate). In the Constitution and in the Bill of Rights, people have inalienable rights that cannot be taken away from them. Some of these include the right to speech, religion, press, assemble peacefully, and even to own a gun. Healthcare coverage should be apart of that list too. It doesn't make sense that the Government says it's fine that you can own a gun no matter what, and yet, they could care less if you are healthy or not.

Argumentative Essay about Health Care

After watching the documentary “SICKO” for the past couple of days, it has made me think about the difference in healthcare systems around the world. In Canada, we have access to free health care which is paid for through tax payers. By having a health card in Ontario, it entitles us to health care services which is paid for by the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP). The United Kingdom also has a similar health system called the National Health Service (NHS) which provides healthcare for citizens and it is also funded by taxes. They are established on the idea that healthcare should be available to all (for free), regardless of wealth or status.

Im writing an argument essay about free health care. - Reddit

I feel that healthcare is fundamental right and is need to protect life, which our government should fundamental protect this right for everybody. A government protected health care serves to protect the wellbeing of those who would not have access to any form of health care like low-income families, foster children and homeless. It gives our nation the ability to protect our country’s social interest such as birth control programs, mass vaccines, health care education and health care for senior citizens and veterans, which is a reflection of our country’s norms and values. These norms and values also explain many of the U.S foreign policies where we provide basic healthcare and food rations to third world nations and during natural disasters.…