An Essay Against Unnecessary Curiosity in Matters of Religion.
There are essentially two different modes of thought you can apply when deciding what to do: purpose and curiosity. Acting through purpose means accomplishing a project or task because you have a known outcome. Writing this article is an act of purpose, I want to update my blog with new content, so I’m writing with the intent of finishing an article.
When you don’t know anything, curiosity will drive the majority of your actions. If you were stuck next to a machine that had many buttons, but you didn’t understand how it worked, you would probably experiment until it’s functions were known to you. Small children take a lot of actions out of curiosity, building basic knowledge about the world. Reading opens you to new worlds, opinions, and subject matters. Read everything; both fiction and non-fiction. I love memories and — it ignites imagination and shows your brain endless possibilities and that anything is possible. If you don’t like to read, at least try it and see where it takes you. The problem is that curiosity can die off too soon. When was the last time you invested time into a project or activity simply because you wanted to see what would happen? If you’re over twenty, I’m guessing that those types of projects and activities make only a small part of your free time. Curiosity is replaced with purpose, and in that replacement, something important has been lost. However, the problem of lost curiosity is a problem of a local maximum. Curiosity may be less valuable, in the short run, but added curiosity can often ratchet you to an even greater level of achievement. Getting out of the valley of death is difficult both intellectually and emotionally. From an emotional perspective, curiosity can be frightening. There’s a reason it killed the cat. In a prehistoric world, being too curious could mean eating a poison mushroom or getting too friendly with a bear. So it’s not surprising that humans are engineered with a disposition towards purpose-driven actions after a short period of time. But we don’t live in prehistoric times. What’s the worst that will happen? You’ll lose a few months, a promotion or some cash? More, because the world has become more complex, there are even more local maxima, so the chances that you’ve stumbled upon the best strategy for living is rare. Curiosity has become more valuable, but most people still avoid it.
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I write about discipline, consistency, showing up, hard work, no shortcuts, productivity, cultivating good habits, mindsets, abundance, wellness, spirituality, relationships, and creating time freedom.
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Personal Narrative- Curiosity and MeHow many people wonder about holes in the ceiling and cracks on the floor? When did they happen? What caused them? Or what about when you see a cigarette in the toilet and wonder who had the guts to smoke in the girl's bathroom that day and why they chose that brand of cigarette, or why they even smoke at all. And even if people do think about these things, why? For what purpose? I guess I do it out of boredom. But is boredom really an excuse? I mean
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The Heroes Curiosity in She and The Sign of FourThe hero cannot progress without curiosity. However, curiosity can turn into a dangerous obsession. There are many good examples of this throughout Victorian literature. Literary works such as She by H. Rider Haggard and The Sign of Four by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, for example, reflect the curious mind at work using scientific exploration to achieve the goal of solving the mystery, but attempting to solve the mystery poses dangers to the protagonists
The concept of curiosity is central to motivation.
Remember, overall your college essay is an opportunity to showcase who you are as an individual, beyond test scores and grades. By providing specific examples and anecdotes, and relating your intellectual curiosity to your personal growth and future college experience, you can create an engaging essay that leaves a lasting impression on admissions officers.
What is the role of homeostatic drives to curiosity?
When writing my longest ebook, , I had the idea to go in a completely different direction. I wanted to work on a book that was shorter, easier to digest and distilled into individual ideas rather than a long essay. I put the idea on hold, but after I finished, I worked on , an experiment in a completely different direction.