How to cite Romeo and Juliet in MLA - Quora

(1.5.152-155). This quote by Juliet shows how she was taught that the Montagues are her sworn enemy, and they are to be treated with great hatred. However she has fallen in love with Romeo
Throughout the play, Juliet shows dominance over Romeo by having more maturity, and less ignorance. During the balcony scene, Juliet states “It is too rash, to unadvised, and too sudden” (Shakespeare 2.2.125). This line reveals that she is aware that her and Romeo’s love is dangerous and foolhardy. Unlike Romeo, she is finding the reality in his blind decisions for their love. Romeo is faced with similar oppositions as Juliet. His family, being sworn enemies to the Capulets, are kept in the dark about his romance with Juliet. Also, when the Capulets begin to perceive of the close relationship between Romeo and Juliet, it makes him a greater target to Capulet men such as Tybalt. There is no doubt as to Romeo’s faithfulness towards Juliet and his desire to do all that is needed in order to have her love, but because of his lack of experience in life, Romeo is not at all faultless. Perhaps the most notable act that sabotaged his relationship with Juliet was his slaying of Tybalt. However honorable and necessary it may have seemed to him at the time, Romeo’s rashness once again rears its ugly head after Mercutio foolishly brings about his own demise. Of course, Romeo immediately regrets his impetuous actions after the grave mistake had already been done as he does many times throughout the story. You can make your essays interesting by adding a famous quote, and there is no source more illustrious than Shakespeare to quote! However, many students feel intimidated at the thought of quoting Shakespeare. Some fear that they may use the quote in the wrong context; others may worry about using the quote verbatim and missing the precise meaning, owing to the archaic Shakespearean expressions. Navigating these difficulties is possible, and your writing may be greatly enhanced if you from Shakespeare with skill and the quotes correctly. In the play “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare, Shakespeare incorporates his social commentary of the world around him. He incorporated his opinion of society in little bits and pieces of the play. Shakespeare also mentions about how love was back in the day, how sexist society was then, and even mentions the black plague swirling around them. Shakespeare happened to secretly write about how society was around him when it came to love. He goes into detail about how shallow guys were when it came to love,“So soon forsaken? “Wilt thou provoke me? Then, have at thee boy!” says Romeo, the murderer of Paris. In the play The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, a young man named Romeo falls in love with Juliet, a maiden from the opposing family. Romeo latches on to the thought of being with Juliet, and crosses great boundaries. Romeo’s gestures can be interpreted as romantic, loyal, and passionate. However, I believe he is mentally unstable and extreme in his decisions. Romeo does not consider the future of others, as well as himself. Romeo makes many decisions without thinking things through. When Romeo found out that Juliet was dead he went to the apothecary and bought poison that would immediately kill him. Romeo says to himself; “Well, Juliet, I shall lie with thee tonight. Let’s see means”, this shows how foolish his is because, he made a decision to die without rethinking anything (5.1.34). He had no second thought and he never reconsidered that his idea of dying was stupid.

[PDF] How to Cite Shakespeare in MLA | South Plains College

Although the most popular relationship of the piece, Romeo and Juliet’s courtship in “Romeo and Juliet” was arguably one of the most unhealthy relationships of the play, and one of the most unhealthy in general. In this play, “Romeo and Juliet”, written by William Shakespeare, there are several examples of both good and bad relationships. When these two young lovers see each other at a party, they immediately become attracted to each other. However, they are from opposing families, with Romeo a part of the Montagues and Juliet a member of the Capulets. This family rival leads to Romeo tirelessly pursuing Juliet and ultimately, the tragic death of both of them.

Q. How do I cite Romeo and Juliet? - Ask COM Library

Shakespeare plays have many beautiful verses; it's up to you to find an appropriate verse for your essay. One way to ensure an impactful quote is to ensure that the verse you choose does not leave the idea unfinished. Here are some tips for quoting Shakespeare:

How to Cite Romeo and Juliet in MLA - citations

In William Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet, Romeo’s strong impulsivity causes conflict and his emotional swings can lead him to make sudden and sometimes harmful decisions. This is clearly shown when Romeo’s sudden lust for Juliet causes him to marry her within 24 hours and causes a future brawl between the Capulets and Montagues. The ball was a grand event that Romeo dreaded to go to after his dear Rosaline broke his heart and decided to stay chase. Romeo felt a great woe but after glancing at Juliet from across a crowded dance floor, he was in love once again. “O, she doth teach the torches to burn bright!/Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight, For I ne'er saw

How to Cite Shakespeare (with Pictures) - wikiHow

No formal Shakespeare quote is complete without its attribution. For a Shakespeare quote, you need to provide the play title, followed by act, scene, and, often, line numbers. It is a good practice to italicize the title of the play.

How to Quote Shakespeare - Dr. Mark Womack

Many people have fears of things that they are afraid of. It’s natural to have fears because it’s part of human nature. In the play Juliet has to decide wether or not to drink the potion. In Shakespeare’s play he shows Juliet’s fear by using choice of words and imagery.