Grab this Million Dollar Mini Thesaurus to go along with the lesson!
What’s more, last year I didn’t get up to 1 million words written until October 22…although I didn’t start up my spreadsheet system until early February of that year.
Folks, I talk about all this in my book , and you can buy that on Amazon exclusively if you want.
Another example of nonfiction is the dictionary. How many words are in the dictionary? That depends on what dictionary you are looking at. The Oxford English Dictionary has . But along with this advice often comes the idea that you should just walk away from those first million words when you’ve written them. Accept that none of them can ever be good enough to publish, and discard them. This consensus didn’t emerge in a vacuum. The public service campaigns are the legacy of a well-known study called —more commonly known as the “30 Million Word Gap” study—which concluded that the first three years of a child’s life are critical to advancing their language development and can have long-term impacts on their success in school and in life. Don’t fiddle with notebooks and then rewriting – if you want to write one million words in a year, do it on the computer.
Last year I wrote 1,251,573 words and this year I have a feeling I’ll get up to 1.3 million, but we’ll see.
You can write a million words in a year too if you just work on it each day. In the 1990s, researchers Betty Hart and Todd Risley studied families from different socioeconomic levels and found that their children were exposed to vastly different numbers of words in their formative years—specifically, 32 million more words for higher-income children than for lower-income children. The variability in exposure accounted for significant differences in children’s language skills when they entered kindergarten, , and had a direct impact on how students fared early on in school. An example of adolescent fiction is the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling. Can you guess It's a lot. The total word count for all seven books in the series is over 1 million words; 1,084,170 to be exact. Each book in the series has a different word count, ranging from 76,944 (Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone) to 257,045 (Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix).
Million Word Essay | PDF - Scribd
In a much-cited study, Hart & Risley (1995, ) introduced the so-called “word gap,” referring to one of their most popular conclusions in which they estimate that, by the time children enter school at age 3, there would be a 30 million gap in words heard, on average, between children of poor parents and children of professional parents. In their study, Hart & Risley observed 42 families from Kansas City, Mo., over the course of two and a half years for an hour each month. Thirteen of those families were considered to be of upper socio-economic status (SES), 10 families were middle SES, 13 families were lower SES, and six families were on welfare at the time of the study. Children were 7 months to 9 months old when the study began and were followed through the age of 3.
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In the two decades since Hart & Risley’s original publication (1995), it has continued to receive mass media attention (e.g., ; ; ) and resulted in numerous local initiatives across the country (Hotchkiss, 2015; ). Its findings have further been extrapolated to imply that this early “word gap” can have long-term educational implications, including success in high school (e.g., ).
How many words are in a one million word essay? - Quora
Studies have demonstrated that the number of words a child is exposed to before the age of four is significantly correlated with the child’s eventual IQ and academic outcomes. Furthermore, this early language exposure is correlated with income: children from lower-income households hear, on average, about thirty million words fewer than their peers from more affluent homes during this critical developmental period, leaving them less likely to achieve academic success. Dr. Suskind created TMW in 2010 to address this gap by bringing awareness to the importance of spoken language in early childhood development and giving parents the tools and knowledge to enrich their children’s home language environment.
Million words or less parent letter | TPT
Before I started consistently writing 1000 words a day, I just made myself write daily. As I worked my way up in word count, it wasn’t long before I was blowing past 1000 words effortlessly.
Recent preliminary trials have showed that parents and caregivers who received this quantitative linguistic feedback spoke and interacted more with their children. In April 2014, TMW was selected for a PNC Foundation multi-year grant that will support a larger-scale, five-year longitudinal study of the program’s impact on vocabulary development and school readiness in 200-250 children. TMW will soon be implemented at the community level with a center-based approach that includes daycare facilities, with the long-term goal of reaching parents and caregivers at the citywide level and beyond.