SpongeBob: But what about my essay?
"Late at night in the small town of Bikini Bottom," the essay begins, "SpongeBob lay awake in his room, covering his pet Gary's ears from the rageful screaming coming from downstairs, a common occurrence in his home." The essay goes on to tell of the acrimonious divorce between "Mama Cookie" and "Papa Cookie" and how his parents' fighting ended up "hindering his relationship with the both of them."
In his video, Trenary said that he used the SpongeBob essay, in which SpongeBob was a stand-in for himself, to apply to every Ivy League university as well as several other elite schools, like MIT and Duke. Trenary goes on to detail in the essay how "Mama Cookie" eventually rejected him, forcing him to live with "Papa Cookie" and "his alcholic girlfriend" and "pulling him away from his twin sister." Referring to himself as SpongeBob, Trenary then revealed how his devastating family situation inspired him to succeed in school and his future life. Not too long after, the original cast recording was released, and I fell in love with it almost immediately. From Plankton rapping in a song written by to SpongeBob belting his “I Want” song written by to the cast’s rendition of one of the amazing songs from the cartoon. In total, includes 17 memorable songs, 10 of which were written by Grammy Award-winning artists, and all of which I never get tired of hearing and singing. USA-based student Kalissa Persaud wrote her college admissions essay on Spongebob and got into prestigious institutions the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) and the University of Southern California (USC). Sure, he's #1 in his class and has a GPA that would make even many over-achievers hang their heads in shame. But in today's cut-throat college application landscape, that's often not enough. So what better way to stand out than an essay titled "My Life As a SpongeBob Episode," right? "This is why," one commenter sniped in the comments of Trenary's TikTok video in which he read his SpongeBob essay. "It did not work," another quipped, while one person deadpanned, "bro what prompt was this supposed to answer?"
an essay by Spongebob Squarepants - YouTube
I would always cherish the time I had with people and live a very happy life surrounded by my friends and family. I was very outgoing and loved the company of others. This mindset kept me satisfied for a long part of my childhood. However, two weeks into my freshman year of high school, I realized that unlike SpongeBob, I was not balancing myself in both my school and my activities outside of school. I had not resolved to learn the skills of time management, as I was struggling in school and I was not living my life with the same satisfaction just as SpongeBob each and every day. In order to gain that skill of balancing, I had resolved to studying at my best and budgeting my time strategically in increments, so that I could do what I could study hard and properly inside school and be satisfied to be adventurous outside of school. As I resolved this issue, my mental state also started to raise as I slowly got more and more adapted to the new schedule I had created for myself. I slowly started building myself into a more mature version of myself who fought off the temptations that could have easily drawn me of my goal of pursuing my dreams of becoming a physician after I graduated high
an essay by Spongebob Squarepants
SpongeBob finally finishes his 800-word essay on "What not to do at a stoplight" just before class begins, but he finds the school empty. Mrs. Puff then comes in and reveals she tried to call SpongeBob before that she has to attend a teacher's convention and the assignment has been cancelled last-minute, deciding to take a field trip to a stoplight instead. Thus SpongeBob's procrastinating and last minute writing were all for nothing.
SpongeBobs Essay | Scene | By Nickelodeon - Facebook
SpongeBob finally finishes his 800-word essay on "What not to do at a stoplight" just before class begins, but he finds the school empty. Mrs. Puff then comes in and reveals she tried to call SpongeBob before that she has to attend a teacher's convention and the assignment has been cancelled last-minute, deciding to take a field trip to a stoplight instead. Thus SpongeBob's procrastinating and last minute writing were all for nothing.
Seb Lester | SpongeBob SquarePants writes an essay ..
God damn it. I am a risk-averse person. I do not make bets I believe I will lose. I was sure, I was absolutely positive, that Joe Biden would not run for president. I was so certain in fact, that on October 13th, at approximately four in the afternoon, I declared that if he ran for president, I would write a ten thousand word essay on the geo-politics of Spongebob.