This study analyzes the reasons why should legalize marijuana.
For many decades, marijuana or cannabis was prohibited in most jurisdictions not only in the United States but also in many other parts of the world. Marijuana was principally prohibited on the grounds that the substance causes many adverse health effects including cannabis dependence and further . However, during the past few years, there has been a resurgence of interest in the medicinal properties of marijuana. Indeed, marijuana has a long history of being used for medical purposes, and many researchers today are conducting studies that attempt to establish if these perceived medicinal properties are, in fact, real. In light of the growing amount of evidence that points to marijuana’s medical benefits, the debate about whether the substance should be legalized has also been reignited. While the legalization of marijuana for recreation continues to be debated in various arenas, from argumentative essays to legislation, medical marijuana should be legalized to utilize the benefits that offer for treating various diseases and help further research on its other medical uses.
To begin with, the leading reason why medical marijuana should be legalized is that the act will enable the use of the substance’s benefits in treating various medical conditions. Continuous research throughout the years has yielded many discoveries regarding marijuana’s medicinal properties. Firstly, marijuana has been found to help in the alleviation of pain. Pain is one of the most common symptoms of the disease. For instance, in a study conducted among 1,746 patients prescribed medical marijuana, it was found that over 82% have used marijuana for treating pain. The respondents of the study also reported using marijuana to treat insomnia and anxiety (Reinarman et al. 131). Secondly, marijuana is also beneficial in the treatment of epilepsy. Treating epilepsy can be difficult, especially in severe cases. However, a number of studies show that marijuana can help in easing this disease. In one major case study, a severe case of epilepsy involving a child who suffered as many as 50 seizures in one day was helped by the introduction of marijuana in the treatment regimen. The decision to use marijuana resulted in a decrease in seizures to just 2-3 incidents per month (Maa and Figi 783-785). Finally, marijuana can also be used to help ease many other health conditions such as nausea, vomiting, and muscle deterioration caused by AIDS or chemotherapy for cancer (Mack and Joy 87-90). A few States have already legalized medicinal marijuana, while others are greater reserved. Georgia simply legalized the usage of marijuana oils to be used for medicinal purposes. Moreover, people being arrested for marijuana is causing overpopulation within the prison systems. A few people who aid the legalization of marijuana think that regulation enforcement fighting the war in opposition to pills should focus their attention on other violent crimes or hard-middle street capsules. The findings, while revolutionary in light of cannabis’ negative reputation, are hardly surprising. Marijuana has been used as an herb for centuries. It was prescribed by physicians for a variety of ailments. In fact, marijuana was primarily considered as medicine rather than a recreational psychoactive substance for most of history. Given the medical purposes of marijuana, it is evident that medical marijuana should be fully legalized. Society must go beyond the stigma associated with the substance and recognize its benefits. The disease causes physical and emotional pain not only among patients but also among their loved ones. The disease is also a financial burden on all levels of society, demanding individuals and families to spend thousands of dollars on treatments and costing the nation billions every year either due to direct healthcare expenses or lost productivity. By legalizing medical marijuana, society can expand the ways by which the healthcare system provides better lives for patients and their loved ones. When we first embarked on selecting a topic for our presentations, a multitude of ideas crossed my mind, ranging from pressing concerns like school shootings to global issues such as human trafficking. However, the topic that truly resonated with me was the ongoing drug epidemic, particularly the widespread discourse surrounding marijuana legalization. With more states in the United States moving towards the legalization of medical and recreational marijuana, it seems likely that federal legalization is on the horizon. As of […] In the United States, marijuana is one of the most commonly used drugs that should have been legalized a long time ago along with alcohol. Although, 15 states in the United States have already legalized the use of marijuana, many others still lag behind at the thought of even legalizing Cannabis. In addition, many people think that marijuana is a bad drug, while on the other hand, people like myself believe for many reasons that it should be legalized. Marijuana […] In conclusion, medical marijuana should be legalized for rational reasons. Firstly, studies have proven the medicinal properties of marijuana. Marijuana is effective in treating pain, epilepsy, and many other symptoms associated with a variety of diseases. Legalization will provide a new chance for a better life for countless patients. Secondly, legalization will have the secondary effect of boosting research. For many years, researchers have been hindered by the legal status of marijuana. If medical marijuana is fully legalized, researchers will have more ability and incentive to discover the positive uses of this substance. In the end, the legalization of medical marijuana can bring new possibilities not only for medicine but the general quality of life for society. The scientific evidence on this issue is clear; the effects of marijuana are not completely negative. Research findings are casting doubt upon the long-standing association between marijuana and drug abuse. When used prudently and under the supervision of health professionals, it can help patients and their families as well as ease the burdens disease imposes upon society. This alone should be more than enough reason to pass laws that will legalize medical cannabis.
≫ Reasons why Marijuana Should Be legalized Free Essay Sample on ....
IntroductionWe are confronted with an intriguing paradox: substances such as alcohol, rum, and cigarettes, which are undeniably harmful and contribute to countless deaths, are legal, whereas a plant with minimal adverse effects—cannabis, commonly known as marijuana—remains illegal. For centuries, cannabis has been utilized to achieve feelings of euphoria and well-being. The fundamental criterion for rendering a substance illegal should be that its negative impacts far outweigh any potential benefits and that it poses long-term detrimental consequences to society. Remarkably, cannabis […]
Why Marijuana Should Be Legalized.
Recent years have seen substantial shifts in cultural attitudes towards marijuana for medical and recreational use. Potential problems with the approval, production, dispensation, route of administration, and negative health effects of medical and recreational marijuana are reviewed. Medical marijuana should be subject to the same rigorous approval process as other medications prescribed by physicians. Legalizing recreational marijuana may have negative public health effects.
🌱 Reasons why marijuana should be legalized essay.
Scholars are increasingly exhibiting interest in matters concerning marijuana legalization especially considering laws related to healthcare. The increments in interest emanate from concerns that legalization of this drug is not in alignment with existing health-related laws according to the federal government (Kilmer et al., 2010). According to Hopfer (2014), the government has failed to fully support legalization because few studies have been conducted to prove its medicinal worth. Nonetheless, medical legalization of this particular drug is increasingly gaining support. A […]
Should Marijuana be Legalized for Medical Purposes Essay.
It was made illegal in the 1930’s for the same reasons as alcohol, because it was believed that it was going to do harm to society. As years have gone by, it is obvious that a mistake was made. The fact that marijuana was made illegal has created numerous problems for the United States that on the long run could have been easily avoided. Countries in different parts of the world and some states within the United States have already legalized marijuana and they have all shown positive outcomes out of their decisions. Although marijuana is illegal in majority of the states, legalizing marijuana for recreational use would bring about social and economical reforms that would help deter crime in the country, increase the amount of money the government makes, and also help people that are medically in need of the drug.