You can try our essay grader free to experience its features.

In order to be confident about your document, you can run it through our built-in AI detector. If it spots any questionable sentences or paragraphs, it will highlight them. Any user can tweak the text without leaving the platform.
We know that you came here to get a high-quality essay and a personalized experience, and we’re here to deliver. Textero can help you with everything from research to drafting and making final edits. It was trained on top-notch academic works so the results are consistent and reliable; Textero proves it throughout all of our tools: summarizer, AI writer, citation generator, essay grader, topic finder, and so on. As a writing teacher I want to give all of my high school students specific detailed feedback about their drafts, but there is just one of me and more than 140 of them. Even when I focus on specific skills, spend entire class periods holding conferences, give up hours on the weekend to leave comments on student papers, and leverage peer response groups, I still can’t get every student the feedback they need, when they need it, for every writing project. So, in the spring of 2024 I began to test AI-generated feedback options. So far, my students and I like them a lot. I first tried AI feedback with my 12th graders for their first-semester final essays in January 2024. In about 30 minutes, I was able to generate AI feedback for each of their papers. During writing groups, my students reviewed each paper along with the feedback. They were able to discuss what the paper still needed, along with the accuracy of the AI feedback. Gather some basic information and requirements to start working on your paper. Upload your sources and after that, Textero will generate a first draft which is then available for you to expand and adapt. During that stage, you can find resources and create citations for them, consult with an AI chat in case of questions, and shorten, paraphrase, or simplify any part of the text. Finally, analyze the text with an essay grader to get rid of any mistakes, and transfer it to Google Docs. Fully customizable to align with standard rubrics and specific evaluation criteria, CoGrader aims to streamline the grading process, ensuring consistency and fairness. In addition to saving time and effort for educators, it further enables them to provide timely, detailed feedback, bolstering student understanding of their performance. The platform features a class analytics tool, providing a snapshot of class performance to aid planning. Textero was designed to amplify your own creativity, not replace it. This service can aid with the structure, flow, and clarity of your writing, but you are still in control of giving it a unique twist. To do that, there are many text editing options available for the writer.

We're aiming to be the best in grading accuracy and speed.

If nothing else, I hope this exercise in AI emphasized to my students the importance of a skill-centered classroom. There are so many tools available for content acquisition, that a class designed around memorization and content regurgitation does not do students justice. Instead, the real value is on facilitating inquiry, collaboration, skill acquisition and application, and all the hands-on learning that makes school exciting. ChatGPT can’t replace those yet.

1 use of AI grading, limited to your Common App essay

According to Enlighten AI, it takes as little as one example to train Enlighten AI to grade an essay and that it can cut grading time down from 10 minutes to 2 minutes per essay. Teachers then review the feedback generated by Enlighten AI and then send it and a grade to students.

1 use of AI grading, limited to your Common App essay

With better parameters I am sure it is possible to increase the proficiency of what ChatGPT creates. However, as I showed my students, its most useful right now as a brainstorming and review tool. A student could easily run an LEQ prompt through the AI, then use what it produces to reconstruct a strong and well-reasoned argument that follows AP expectations. Although the AI cannot produce DBQs that use the specific primary sources provided, it can likewise be used to brainstorm outside evidence and possible directions for a student’s analysis. Since most teachers get to know their students’ writing styles and abilities quite well and can always use tech-free in-class assessments, I am not overly concerned with ChatGPT’s potential as a cheating tool.

AI grading unlocked for all essays

On a senior analysis essay, Brisk offered this feedback: “While you’ve done a great job with the Holloway article, I noticed that you didn’t provide a similar analysis for the article by Jenkins. Including a detailed analysis of Jenkins’s article would help balance your discussion and provide a more comprehensive view of the topic.”

AI grading unlocked for all essays

Enlighten AI is free for teachers to use and its creators say that there will always be a free version available to teachers. And since so many teachers have embraced Google Classroom to streamline the distribution and grading of student work, Enlighten AI will be a welcome addition at many schools.