- True Positive - AI detector correctly identified AI content as AI
Interpretability: Closely linked to accuracy is interpretability. For example, can the app detect AI content from multiple (e.g., , , , , Falcon), differentiate between AI, human, and mixed (AI + human) content, or produce sentence-level AI highlighting and reporting?
Accuracy: How well does the tool detect AI-generated content? The best AI content detectors should have minimal false positives and negatives and offer somewhat reliable results. It's a fast-moving landscape, but I wanted to have at least 75% confidence in the results. (A low threshold? Maybe. But that's where we are right now.) Next, I needed some AI-generated content on the same topic, so I asked (V3.5) and (V3 Sonnet) to write an article using the prompt: "Write a 1,500-word article on 'how to change your passwords.'" (Admittedly, neither app was keen to write that much—it took a bit of coaxing—but in the end, we got somewhere near the mark. As it turned out, some of the content detectors wouldn't let you enter that much content, so I ended up making each piece around 700 words to ensure each tool had the same test.) Scalability: Finally, you'll want to know how much content the app can detect without compromising accuracy and remain affordable. In other words, is the tool good for 1,500 words tops, or can it analyze larger volumes? Also, I didn't just read these apps' marketing materials and customer reviews. I spent dozens of hours researching and testing the best AI content detectors. There are plenty of lists of the best AI content detectors, so what makes this one different? For starters, lots of lists are looking at apps that "detect and reword AI-sounding content." But I'm not looking for a strange combo of detection and generation so people can churn out AI-generated content that goes undetected. Instead, my focus is on AI content detectors that help you identify AI content—whether you're a teacher, a content manager, or anyone else who wants to be sure humans are producing the content you're reading. Rated #1 Best AI Detector by Forbes! Use our AI detector to check if your text will be flagged as AI-written content. Then, click 'humanize' to remove AI detection and ensure your text will bypass all major AI detectors. Our AI text humanizer does this by enhancing your content to match the quality of human writing.
Write essays with AI and go COMPLETELY Undetectable.
AI Content Detector - Copyleaks has disclosed the following information regarding the collection and usage of your data. More detailed information can be found in the developer's .
How to detect AI generated content
But putting the hype aside, we are where we are, as the experts say. And when it comes to AI apps, the two major players being adopted by the masses are AI content generators and AI content detectors. Here, I'll dive into the latter to see whether these AI content detection apps can outsmart their AI-generating cousins.
Can you detect a combination of human and AI-generated content?
“This is at the same time a very useful tool for professors, and on the other hand a very dangerous tool—trusting it too much would lead to exacerbation of the false flags,” writes one GPTZero user, per the ’s Caitlin Cassidy.
for a free AI content detector
In this 2-minute video, you'll quickly learn how to use our tool. We'll show how our free AI detector works, how to check if your content was written by AI, and how you can humanize AI texts to make them undetectable.
AI & Plagiarism Detector for Serious Content Publishers
GPTZero uses two variables to determine whether the author of a particular text is human: perplexity, or how complex the writing is, and burstiness, or how variable it is. Text that’s more complex with varied sentence length tends to be human-written, while prose that is more uniform and familiar to GPTZero tends to be written by AI.
Easily detect AI content generated by ChatGPT
Wrapping it up, figuring out how to check if an isn’t rocket science. There’s a bunch of tools out there, like the Content at Scale’s AI Detector, that can break down the text and give us the scoop.
AI content detectors work pretty well, but they are not perfect.
Skip the hassle of checking CopyLeaks, GPTZero, Sapling, and other detectors individually. Simplify the process with Undetectable’s AI Content Detector. A single click on "Check for AI" shows you results from all major AI detectors simultaneously. Thus, saving you time and effort.