50 Care Package Ideas for College Students
Because of the points above (you can write about anything + colleges don’t care too much), looking at the prompts is only useful if you’re totally, completely stumped* as to how to brainstorm possible topics for your college essay. (In which case, see below.)
The danger of looking at the prompts before you do some brainstorming is that you may box yourself in by thinking you have to write about something that fits, say, prompt 2, and thereby prevent yourself from thinking about options for topics that allow you to show who you are and what you value more effectively. I am a Middle class, white male who has had nothing really traumatic happen to him and will be doing engineering purely for money and because I dont want to be a doctor. I moved 8 hours away from home in 8th grade but apart from that, there is nothing thats gone wrong in my life. I see these people accepted to good colleges, and then ill look at their essays, and its like “my brother tried killing himself, so im gonna become a doctor’l How do I compete with that No matter what type of prompt you receive, it's your job to stick to it. The admissions team has a lot of essays to read, so you'll have a better chance of standing out if you develop a cohesive response that stays on topic. Ready to get writing now that you’ve seen this list of the top college essay ideas and topics? Each one of these ideas could turn into a strong story to complete your overall application. Hopefully a few of these subjects resonate with you and inspire an ! By diversifying your approach to each essay prompt and making your responses as personal and specific as possible, you can create a compelling narrative that stands out to admissions officers. Hey everyone, I'm starting to brainstorm for my college essays, but I'm kinda stuck. What are some great essay topic examples? I want to stand out but also stay true to myself. Any suggestions would be super helpful! Hey there! It's essential to find an essay topic that showcases your unique qualities, perspectives, and experiences. When brainstorming ideas, think about the key aspects of your life that have shaped you or hold special importance to you. Here are a few themes and examples to help kickstart your brainstorming:
your ideas to the college essay topics that stand ou
If you can't immediately think of a pivotal event for this essay, you may want to skip it and try a different one. Essays like this are best answered with significant and unique moments rather than less important ones.
Here are the for the second of their college essay topics:
An earlier version of this piece was developed in conjunction with my thought-partner and co-consultant, Jackie Stowers, for the , where we are implementing a college essay intensive writing coaching program, as well as working directly with their students. The Cooperman Scholars are supported through all aspects of college access and success, and are a shining example of how attending college really can change lives and communities.
Students look at the Common App essay prompts to generate ideas.
Most colleges and universities in the United States require applicants to submit at least one essay as part of their application. But trying to figure out what college essay topics you should choose is a tricky process. There are so many potential things you could write about!
Check free and essay topics for college students to find more ideas.
In this guide, we go over the essential qualities that make for a great college essay topic and give you 50+ college essay topics you can use for your own statement. In addition, we provide you with helpful tips for turning your college essay topic into a stellar college essay.
Looking for more college admissions essay examples about yourself? .
You can also find more detailed guidance on how to choose a college essay topic on CollegeVine's blog, which contains both a detailed breakdown of each Common App prompt (you'll need to respond to one for your main personal statement), and several examples of successful essays written by past students (as well as analysis of what each one did well, and any areas for improvement), which you might find inspiring. You can check out these posts at the links below:
21 College Essay Topics & Ideas That Worked
First off, good college essay topics are extremely specific: you should know all the pertinent facts that have to do with the topic and be able to see how the entire essay comes together.