Rated #1 Best AI Detector by Forbes!

Both approaches are effective, but rewriting the entire document at once is more time-efficient, reducing the need for copy-pasting. For optimal results, we recommend including at least 200 words in each rewrite session. Texts under 200 words may not be accurately validated by AI detectors.
EssayDone Humanizer subscribers get access to the EssayDone Turnitin Detector. This feature lets you run your rewritten text through Turnitin’s detection system to generate a report, confirming that the text meets plagiarism and AI detection standards. Yes, EssayDone Humanizer is optimized to help your text pass AI detection tools such as Turnitin, GPTZero, and Originality. After the first rewrite, the text has a 90% chance of passing. Perform the humanization process 1-2 more times to achieve a pass rate of up to 99%. Yes, you can cancel your EssayDone Humanizer subscription at any time with no future charges. While many users choose to continue with the service, we offer flexible cancellation to ensure you only pay for what you need. Our renewal rate is over 73%, indicating high user satisfaction. Yes, the Humanizer feature in WriterGPT offers the same functionality and results as the standalone EssayDone Humanizer subscription. Both tools provide identical rewriting capabilities. For someone in the humanities field, having an essay that reads naturally is crucial. EssayDone Humanizer has transformed my papers to flow effortlessly while preserving the intricate themes I wanted to express. Turn robotic AI drafts into smooth, natural text effortlessly with our AI humanizer tool. Just one click converts any robotic output into natural, engaging content.

Write, study, and research faster while remaining undetectable

Humanize AI text so it resonates as if written by a real person. Our tool melds technical precision with the warmth of human expression, drawing your audience closer with every line.

Here is where our AI Humanizer tool steps in.

Being accused of using AI text is a real nightmare, but EssayDone Humanizer helped me breathe easy again. My essays now reflect a natural cadence that aligns perfectly with my writing style. No more red flags in class. It's pretty assuring.

Sign up today and experience the power of AI Humanization.

Cut down on the grind of manual revisions. With just one click, our AI humanizes your drafts into polished pieces, freeing up more time for your creative endeavors.

10 Proven Techniques to Humanize AI Content

Being accused of using AI text is a real nightmare, but EssayDone Humanizer helped me breathe easy again. My essays now reflect a natural cadence that aligns perfectly with my writing style. No more red flags in class. It's pretty assuring.

How to Bypass GPTZero AI Detection in 2024

Twixify is a tool that converts AI-generated text into 'undetectable' ai text that possesses features of human writing, ensuring it passes undetected through various plagiarism &Â AI detection & tools.

AI and Human Writing: Strengths, Limitations, and Effective Usage

Experience the power of the AI Text Humanizer to make your content relatable and authentic. Enhance engagement, save time, and ensure your message resonates with your audience.

Write, study, and research faster while remaining undetectable

I’ve faced issues with AI detectors in the past, but EssayDone Humanizer made a real difference. My professors used to question the origin of my essays, but after using this tool, my work has been marked as original every time.