Suh, Jungkyu (2022). Essays on Science and Innovation.

Another aspect of the cumulative character of technology that will require further investigation is the manner of transmission of technological innovations. This is an problem, and it is necessary to accept the phenomenon of simultaneous or parallel invention in cases in which there is insufficient evidence to show the transmission of ideas in one direction or another. The mechanics of their transmission have been enormously improved in recent centuries by the and other means of communication and also by the increased facility with which travelers visit the sources of innovation and carry ideas back to their own homes. Traditionally, however, the major mode of transmission has been the movement of artifacts and craftsmen. Trade in artifacts has ensured their distribution and encouraged imitation. Even more important, the migration of craftsmen—whether the itinerant metalworkers of early civilizations or the German engineers whose expert knowledge was acquired by both the and the after World War II—has promoted the spread of new technologies.
Make the description specific. What makes an essay stand out are the details. The less specific you are, the less the reader gets to learn about you as a unique human being with individual interests and ideas. This author doesn’t waste the opportunity Reed gives him to flaunt his historical knowledge and love of his chosen topic. And he doesn’t just tell us the overarching themes and questions for the course; he illustrates those themes and questions with details about Lyndon Johnson, MLK, and Eleanor Roosevelt. The particularity of these facts shows that the author has done his research. His attention to detail shows care. A sympathetic social implies an environment receptive to new ideas, one in which the dominant social groups are prepared to consider innovation seriously. Such receptivity may be limited to specific fields of innovation—for example, improvements in weapons or in techniques—or it may take the form of a more generalized attitude of inquiry, as was the case among the industrial middle classes in Britain during the 18th century, who were willing to new ideas and inventors, the breeders of such ideas. Whatever the psychological basis of inventive genius, there can be no doubt that the existence of socially important groups willing to encourage inventors and to use their ideas has been a crucial factor in the history of technology. Social resources are similarly an indispensable prerequisite to a successful innovation. Many have foundered because the social resources vital for their realization—the capital, materials, and skilled personnel—were not available. The notebooks of are full of ideas for , , and , but few of these reached even the model stage because resources of one sort or another were lacking. The resource of capital involves the existence of surplus productivity and an organization capable of directing the available wealth into channels in which the inventor can use it. The resource of materials involves the availability of metallurgical, ceramic, , or substances that can perform whatever functions a new requires of them. The resource of skilled personnel implies the presence of technicians capable of constructing new artifacts and devising novel processes. A society, in short, has to be well primed with suitable resources in order to sustain technological innovation. The sense of social need must be strongly felt, or people will not be prepared to devote resources to a technological innovation. The thing needed may be a more efficient cutting tool, a more powerful lifting device, a labour-saving , or a means of using new fuels or a new source of energy. Or, because military needs have always provided a stimulus to technological innovation, it may take the form of a requirement for better weapons. In modern societies, needs have been generated by advertising. Whatever the source of social need, it is essential that enough people be conscious of it to provide a market for an or commodity that can meet the need. Use something short to wrap it all up. The author gives a quick sentence or two at the end of his essay to explain why the course matters. Think of this as your elevator pitch. It’s your chance to show how your interest in your topic connects to other issues or topics of note. I am drawn to Illinois Institute of Technology because of its strong focus on innovation and its interdisciplinary approach to learning. As someone interested in both engineering and entrepreneurship, I am excited about the unique combination of technical expertise and business skills that IIT offers. The availability of hands-on learning opportunities through programs like the Idea Shop and the Kaplan Institute for Innovation and Tech Entrepreneurship will allow me to collaborate with other students to bring my ideas to life. I am particularly interested in exploring sustainable energy solutions, and IIT’s Energy and Sustainability Institute is a perfect fit for my goal of addressing global environmental challenges through engineering.

Enduring Issue Essay – innovation draft 2

Ask smart questions. Asking probing, insightful questions while explaining your topic, and why it’s essential to share, can give the reader a sense of the deeper ideas the class will tackle as a unit. More importantly, it shows your capacity to pose—and seek answers to—higher-level questions in college and beyond. This is a chance for readers to see your mind at work. Think of these questions as tiny windows into your academic soul.

This essay focuses on some key issues ofApple's innovation.

This is a essay prompt. Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) wants to know why you’re specifically drawn to their university. The admissions team is looking for evidence that you’ve done your research and understand how IIT will help you achieve your academic and personal goals. You should focus on specific programs, resources, or opportunities at IIT that excite you.

Exciting Innovation Topics for Essay

Give the course an interesting name. Notice how this student uses the title at the top of his essay, incorporating it into the paragraph-form essay, while quickly communicating what the course will be about. Look at your title as an early chance to make an impression on not only admission officers, but also the (imagined) people searching for a class to take. The colon is a great tool here. First, it allows you to create a longer title. Second, it divides the title into academic and non-academic halves. Don’t want to title the essay this way? No worries. Using paragraph form gives you a couple other options: a) opening your intro paragraph with the title, as an attention-grabber, then explaining the purpose of the class and what you hope your classmates to get out of it, or b) starting out by explaining the topic, then adding something like, “I’d call the class X.”

Essay Managing Innovation in English Language Education

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