It is important to ask the question of why documentaries are made.

Please write a 3-4 page paper (double-spaced) about a documentary film that addresses social class. Essays can be longer if you need extra space.
Aside from ethnographic research and surveys, documentary research is one of the major types of research that researchers use in social sciences. Documentary research is a type of study that uses personal and official documents as a source of information or evidence. These documents may include government publications, photographs, newspapers, diaries, stamps, directories, handbills, maps, paintings, recordings, tapes, and computer files, etc. The purpose of this analysis is to create a larger story or report which you can obtain through an evaluation of a set of documents concerning your topic. This research uses qualitative and as its research methodology. The essay film, however, has proved even more peripatetic: where noir was formulated from the films of a determinate historical period (no matter that the temporal goalposts are continually shifted), the essay film is resolutely unfixed in time; it has its choice of forebears. And while noir, despite its occasional shadings over into semi-documentary during the 1940s, remains bound to fictional narratives, the essay film moves blithely between the realms of fiction and non-fiction, complicating the terms of both. Have you heard of the event October Revolution? Also referred to as the Bolshevic revolution, Bolshevik Party leader Vladimir Lenin led a bloodless coup to overthrow Duma’s provisional government on November 6-7, 1917, which is equivalent to October 24-25 in the Julian calendar. As a result, this  earned the term October Revolution. However, did you also know that this event was filmed and used as propaganda? This event is just one of the numerous historical documentary films that journalists shot. As one of the essential parts of producing a documentary film, documentary film research must take place. Through the documentary analysis, you can gather the necessary setting, visuals such as footage, narrations, and interviews which you will include in the film. Other types of research that you can carry out to produce an educational and entertaining film are archival research and academic research. You can also include to make your project more factual. Documentary films use a variety of methods (e.g., images, words, sounds, and various film techniques) in order to present an argument. View a documentary film and analyze the rhetorical and persuasive strategies employed by the filmmaker in the construction of the film’s argument. Identify the filmmaker’s thesis and analyze the rhetorical strategies and persuasive devices and film techniques used in order to develop the film’s thesis. Take notes as you view the documentary. Your essay should do all of the following: This is a critique of" Roger And Me", a documentary by Michael Moore. This is a film about a city that at one time had a great economy. The working class people lived the American dream. The majority of people in this town worked at the large GM factory. The factory is what gave these people security in their middle working class home life. Life in the city of Flint was good until Roger Smith the CEO of GM decided to close the factory. This destroyed the city. Violent crime became the highest in the nation, businesses went bankrupt, people were evicted from their rented homes. There were no jobs and no opportunity. Life was so bad that Money magazine named Flint the worst place to live in the entire nation. When news of the factory closing first broke, Michael Moore a native of flint decided to search for Roger Smith and bring him to Flint. You can classify the documents you hold to support your work according to the three-sector structure. The information that you can obtain from the individuals or organizations who witnessed an event are the primary resources. On the other hand, the pieces of information that you can collect from books and other mediums that the authors didn’t personally witness are secondary sources. To complete your research paper, you need to include the indexes, abstracts, and bibliographies for reference. We call this information as tertiary sources.

An example of teamwork is when Mr and Mrs.

2. Nichols, Bill. ‘Documentary Modes of Representation (The Observational Mode).’ Representing Reality: Issues and Concepts in Documentary. Bloomington & Indianapolis; Indiana University Press. 1991. 38-44

A Slightly More Advanced Example of This Approach

A documentary film (often described simply as a documentary) is a non-fictional intended to "document reality, primarily for instruction, education or maintaining a ". has characterized the documentary in terms of "a practice, a cinematic tradition, and mode of audience reception [that remains] a practice without clear boundaries".

The Why Penn “Why this College” Essay Example

With the advent of television, films start progressing "by leaps and bounds." One kind of cinema is a documentary film. Thanks to the documentary film, which is simple, concise and understandable form, tell us about nature, culture, history and science, and replenished our "body of knowledge." This is the positive role of cinema in which the means of the common man gets a huge amount of information without losing its finding and processing of your precious time. It increases the overall level of culture. The story of “Australia” makes us closer to the problems of Australian native people, and still, it tells us a beautiful story of Australian people which would be erased if it had any other form except film.

The Why Tufts “Why this College” Essay Example

Research into information gathering, as a , and the sharing of , as a , has noted how documentary movies were preceded by the notable practice of . This has involved the use of singular to detail the complex attributes of and continues in a certain extent to this day, with an example being the achieved by popular figures such as during the . Documentary movies evolved from the creation of singular images in order to convey particular types of information in depth, using film as a medium.

The Why Cornell “Why this College” Essay Example

Humankind has always held a certain fascination for babies. We see a baby and our automatic response is generally one along the lines of “awwe”. New mothers often experience an increase in attention from strangers when going out in public with their new children. The bottom line is we love babies. Their big eyes and general helplessness evokes a certain almost maternal desire in each of us. Aside from the obvious psychological and evolutionary science behind these emotions, infancy is a universally significant time that transcends all cultures. The documentary Babies choses to explore this time by examining four newborns and their mothers in Nambia, Mongolia, the United States, and Japan.