[…] My Fitness Journey- The Rest of It (So Far) […]
The importance of fitness to maintain good health cannot be emphasized enough. An individual can even extend his/her lifespan just by maintaining fitness, not to forget it reduces the risk of several diseases and ailments. There are several advantages of being fit. Some of them are mentioned below:-
My plan to improve my health and fitness is to try my best to stay consistent with my exercise andmeal plan. Being consistent in any plan is very important because it allows you not to be so strict withyourself and teaches you how to do things in moderation. I always find that if I jump into any mealplan or exercise plan too quickly, I never follow through with it. Therefore, my goal is to maintain ahealthy lifestyle, and I can do this by consistently eating healthier and exercising more regularly. Butthe first thing that I need to do is develop the habit of a healthy lifestyle slowly so that I can get usedto the pace and keep up with it. I plan to do this by having short exercise sessions and occasionallyadding in a few longer sessions. This plan offers many opportunities as it can help me to improve mymental health, my well-being and my fitness. However, there is a risk that I can become bored withthe exercise that I do or even become lazy. It is also hard for me to eat according to a diet because Ifind it difficult to stick. The main threat for me is that my days at school are so busy and I attend extralessons and extra murals, so by the time I get home I am generally too tired to exercise, or I do nothave enough time to do a lot of exercises. My goal is to make more time for exercising because it willbenefit me and reduce my stress levels. I also want to try and mediate more often because it reallydoes clear my head and help me focus rather than panic. After having exercised for 18 consecutive days, I generally feel like I have a lot more energy, and I amproud of my fitness progress. At the beginning of my fitness plan, my resting heart rate was 73bpm,and it has now decreased to about 70bpm on average. My maximum heart rate was always quitedifferent, depending on how intense my workouts were. I noticed that my recovery pulse rate began toreturn to the resting heart rate a little bit faster. When I did low-intensity workouts, I did not comparemy recovery heart rate to my high-intensity workouts because my heart rate did not increase a lotwhen I did these workouts. Fitness should be a priority for people belonging to every age group. It brings happiness to life and improves the quality of the same, hence making it stress and disease-free. Ans: Fitness is an extremely important aspect of our lives. It is essential to include fitness in our lifestyle and show discipline in the same because a healthy mind resides in a healthy body. Being fit can make an individual attain an extended life and live the same to the fullest. Also, being fit decreases the chance of diseases and hence improves overall health as well.
Fitness is a state of mind as well. It doesn’t always mean heavy weight exercising but also maintaining a healthy and balanced diet. Diet is an important aspect of fitness and exercising and diet go hand in hand and both improve our fitness. Hence, fitness should be the priority of every individual for without it, we will be neglecting so much. Do you need some motivation to get off the couch and begin exercising? Maybe you have started to work out and then stopped your work out routine so many times that you cannot keep track of the number of programs you have tried. Well you are not alone. In fact, by statistics that would make you an average American. All the same, working out for the sake of health and well-being is becoming increasingly important as we continue to learn the effects of inactivity. There are many benefits that arrive from the presence of exercise in your daily routine. Improve strength, improved cardiovascular fitness, and an improved immune system are just three of the MANY benefits that come from exercise and activity. I will tell you a little bit more about each of these three benefits and how and why they can help to benefit you. Ans: The importance of fitness to maintain good health cannot be emphasized enough. An individual can even extend his/her lifespan just by maintaining fitness, not to forget it reduces the risk of several diseases and ailments. There are several advantages of being fit. Some of them are mentioned below:-
-Improves mental health and confidence level.
-Decreases the risk of several diseases such as diabetes, cancer, osteoporosis, stroke, high blood pressure, etc.
-It also helps in managing and reducing levels of stress, anxiety, depression, etc.
-It can even extend an individual’s life span.
[…] My Fitness Journey- The Rest of It (So Far) […]
After having a self-reflection of myself I realized that I wanted to be distinctive, I wanted to reconstruct the way I was living. I was tired of just the same repetitive schedule that I followed in high school. I would get up at six twenty in the morning which was the perfectly set time that I determined was necessary to complete my morning routine. I would then head to school which I went through the same repetitive schedule as the previous day. Then I would travel back home consume whatever was prepared by my mother, play some videogames for hours then tend to my my homework and finally head to bed to repeat another average day. It was until one day one of my friend invited me to go to the gym with him. He took me to the gym which was not too far away from my school and lead me to the doorway to bodybuilding. It was just after a couple of
[…] My Fitness Journey- The Rest of It (So Far) […]
This brings us to the end of our blog on Essay on Fitness. Hope you find this information useful. For more information on such informative topics for your school, visit our and follow
[…] My Fitness Journey- The Rest of It (So Far) […]
It is proven that when you exercise, your body releases hormones that make you feel happy andthese are called endorphins. As tired as I am after my workouts sometimes, I always feel content, andwhen I exercise, I feel more worthwhile. When I feel good from exercising, I feel that I have morepurpose and that I can have more confidence and achieve more emotionally and socially. This fitnessprogram has helped me realise the strain that is put on me emotionally when I do not get the chanceto exercise. I become moody and anxious when I do not get the change to exercise, and I am happythat I have now realised what is important for my body. From now on, I will try to exercise as regularlyas possible to prove my strengths and determination to myself and definitely to boost my confidenceemotionally and socially.
[…] My Fitness Journey- The Rest of It (So Far) […]
An individual’s top priority should be to remain fit. This will ensure their health. And one such way of that is by maintaining fitness. Health is a state of complete mental, physical as well as social well-being. A fit individual can accomplish much more in life. They are immune to many diseases, don’t feel fatigued in day-to-day functions, and have a positive mindset to strive in life for good.