Let’s start with an argumentative essay conclusion example.
There are certain things that should be avoided when writing your essay conclusion because they can ruin everything. Restating your thesis is one of the worst things that you can do when crafting this paragraph. One of the most common problems faced by students is that they tend to restate their theses and sum up their words, but this won’t provide the targeted audience with compelling and valid reasons to read a conclusion because it seems dull and boring to them. You need to take readers to the next level and provide them with a further sophistication of original arguments.
When you reach the end of an essay, you should start the concluding paragraph with a transition signal that acts as a bridge to the summary of your key points. Check out some concluding transition signals below and learn how you can use them in your writing. My advise is to ask. Ask the person for whom you are writing the essay what they look for in a conclusion. Tell them what you are considering and see what they think. By now, we should already understand how to start and finish writing a good conclusion paragraph. But to fully grasp the peculiarities of a well-written conclusion, it would be wise to review some samples as well. It would help if you kept in mind that, for instance, a narrative essay conclusion may differ from an conclusion. The purpose of each such essay is different. Therefore, the concluding statements may be a bit contrasting. Still, it doesn’t change the strategies you should choose to develop a remarkable final paragraph. As readers come to the end of your essay they should feel a sense of closure. You can create this with a reassertion of your thesis and ensuring your last paragraph or sentence completes what should be a logical pattern you developed in your writing. This is a particularly versatile closing statement that can be used for almost any kind of essay, including both formal and informal academic writing. It signals to the reader that you will briefly restate the main idea. As an alternative, you can begin the summary with “to close” or “in conclusion.” In an argumentative piece, you can use this phrase to indicate a call to action or opinion: Technology surely isn't going anywhere. If anything, we will become more and more dependent on the capabilities of our smartphones and other devices in the future. However, we have to make sure that this dependence on technology isn't making us lazier or less curious about the world around us. With more knowledge available than ever before with today's technology, people are less discerning about what kind of materials they read and whether or not those materials are factual. People are also less likely to make a personal connection with someone while they're out in the world, which can increase levels of depression, anxiety, and stress. Ultimately, we have to learn how to co-exist with technology in a way that is both healthful and constructive.
For a stronger conclusion paragraph, avoid including:
As in any other essay, you also need to restate your thesis in an analytical essay. If you are thinking of how to restate a thesis, consider using synonyms for your original key-points' essential concepts. You may also want to slightly change the structure of the sentences you will be using. For example, you can start your conclusion with parts of the speech that differ from those in your thesis statement.
Figure 1: A pattern for conclusion paragraphs
To describe how the evidence presented in your essay supports your argument or main idea, begin the concluding paragraph with “as has been demonstrated.” This phrase is best used for research papers or articles with heavy empirical or statistical evidence.
Here is an example of a good essay conclusion:
Conclusions are really just about wrapping things up. You want to be as succinct as possible, you want to reiterate the points you've already made throughout the essay, and you want to be compelling. With a little bit of practice and revision, you should be able to get the process down in no time. And if you need help with revising your conclusion or any other part of your paper, be sure to seek out the advice of a trusted teacher or a writing center, or hire one of our professional editors to give you a second opinion on your paper.
Looking for a good essay conclusion example? We compose some for you:
English essay conclusion might seem the toughest one of all. Bear in mind that in most cases, in conclusion you need to come up with what is already written by the author and lies just on the surface. Just go through your source of choice carefully to get to the main ideas.
Learn how to reflect on your main points in a conclusion to an essay
If you are still unsure how to write a conclusion for your essay, consider hiring an expert from our writing center. They will come up with a perfect solution of how to end your paper. Our writers are passionate about excellent performance. They will be glad to work on any topic you choose. Just provide them with precise requirements and guidelines, and they will meet or even exceed your expectations.