[PDF] To sum up - In conclusion • Overall - Class Teaching
Someone brought this up at a recent webinar I attended, and I couldn't help but think back to my freshman year. Several years ago, I had to write a long essay on an interesting but unfamiliar subject. It took me a lot longer than it should.
Words related to to sum things up are not direct synonyms, but are associated with the word to sum things up. Browse related words to learn more about word associations. And so, to sum things up, here’s what “I Heard You Paint Houses” asks us to believe, the story that The Irishman appears ready to tell the world: that starting at age 52, having no known murders on his résumé, Frank Sheeran, a Teamster thug and well-known drunk, was selected to carry out two of the most audacious hits in the history of organized crime, plus a long list of other heinous acts. "To sum things up: Merely objecting to the speed and fairness of someone else's cancellation is now itself grounds for canceling. What will the next standard be?" Supporters said that companies which neglected these issues would eventually come a cropper in the face of regulation, consumer backlash or scandal; opponents argued that the criteria for investing were often woolly and that companies simply paid lip service to the issues involved. Supply in a marketplace doesn’t typically “churn” in the traditional sense. They’re still there, and if you send them an order they’re probably happy to take it. But they do disengage meaningfully in a way that hurts the customer experience - they stop uploading new products, they stop responding to customer inquiries quickly, and so on. This is an expensive (and sometimes impossible) problem to fix. Instacart moved up on this dimension. They initially built a network effect between grocery stores and consumers, but it was not highly defensible because the markets is not deep: grocery stores are relatively consolidated and thus do not require much aggregation. But Instacart’s advertising product has CPG brands on the supply side instead of stores. This market is much deeper and harder for someone else to aggregate, which makes their ad product more defensible and gives them dollars to spend that competitors don’t have.
How to Write a Summary That Sums It All Up - Kibin
Contrast that with “Uber for X”, which failed almost everywhere it was tried. That is because those businesses all had a few things in common: they were hyper-local, focused on one or a handful of homogenous service categories, and didn’t provide an opportunity to build enough value for suppliers to keep them from switching.
to sum up, to summarize, finally
Amazon has aggregated an exceptionally heterogeneous long tail of supply across the world. And it has built programs like Fulfilled by Amazon and Prime that make it very hard for suppliers to engage in other marketplaces in the same way. The result is both an incredible customer experience and a very deep moat.
To Sum Up. . . - Writing tips - Bacon Editing
For example, they could build integrations into the supplier’s business, such as with their accounting software. This saves them time, but also makes it less likely they’ll also integrate with someone else. Or they could go even further and take on a part of the value chain altogether. This is what Amazon did by spending billions of dollars to build the logistics network that powers Fulfilled by Amazon. That makes it much easier for suppliers to sell on Amazon, and also a lot less likely that they’ll use other marketplaces because a bunch of their inventory is actually sitting in Amazon warehouses.
The oral report should sum up the main points of the written essay
Instead, the best marketplaces intentionally make it harder to multi-tenant over time. To do this, they find features that simultaneously add a lot of value for suppliers and increase switching costs.
Different Ways To Finish Your Conversation | To sum up - YouTube
It’s actually even worse than that sounds. As the first mover in an industry, a marketplace has to do a lot of work to vet supply, convince them of the value of the marketplace, and onboard them onto the product. If suppliers can easily switch, the next marketplace can draft off of all of that work and just acquire the same suppliers who are high quality and already bought in. This is part of what fueled the capital bonfire in the food delivery space.
How to Sum Up Your Life in 650 Words | The College Essayist
In the case of a marketplace network’s effect, that price is closely approximated by how much it would cost to acquire and retain all of the supply needed to make customers happy.