Your Audience and Writing Situation for the Stanford Roommate Essay

Hey everyone! So I'm working on the famous Stanford roommate essay, and I'm honestly struggling. Does anyone have any examples or tips for writing a standout roommate essay? I really want to make mine shine! Thank you!
Hey there! I totally understand how the Stanford roommate essay can be a challenge, but try not to worry too much. It's a really great opportunity for you to showcase your personality and let the admissions team see a more casual, fun side of you. When writing your essay, think of what kind of roommate you'd like to have and what you'd want them to know about you. Focus on your hobbies, quirks, or habits that you think would make you an interesting roommate. For example, maybe you have a love for exotic teas and would be excited to share your collection with your roommate. Or perhaps you have a tradition of going on weekend nature hikes and would love to invite them along. Best of luck with your Stanford roommate essay, and I'm sure it'll come out great if you stay true to yourself and write with a friendly, welcoming tone!
The Stanford letter to roommate prompt has a minimum of 100 words and a maximum of 250 words. Other than that, there are no specific guidelines for how you should answer the question. Since Stanford doesn't give any specific examples of what they're looking for in responses to the Stanford roommate essay prompt, you might be wondering what you should write about for the question and why they're asking it in the first place. The Stanford roommate essay is definitely unique—and you should take that as license to write about topics you otherwise wouldn't in your college application.

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Let's take a look at two different Stanford roommate essay examples (both of which resulted in admission to Stanford) and see what made each of them stand out.

Here’s a nice example essay for the Stanford roommate essay:

This Stanford roommate essay example comes to us from Reddit user . ChunkySpaghettiSauce wrote this essay as part of his 2016 Stanford application. He was accepted to Stanford.

Top Stanford Roommate Essay Sample.

This chapter will look at what qualities make a Stanford roommate essay stand out and discuss what students will want to avoid. We will also go through a successful essay from one of our students, break down exactly why it works, and help you understand what lessons you can take from this example.

Top Stanford Roommate Essay Sample.

With an , it is easy to say that Stanford has their pick of astonishingly qualified applicants. By adding the roommate essay prompt, Stanford is looking to see what qualities besides outstanding academics and extracurriculars you will bring to campus: in other words, how students will contribute and fit into student life.Â

How to Write the Stanford Roommate Essay + Examples

If your child is hoping to , you’ve probably heard about Stanford’s well-known roommate essay, one of three required to apply. The roommate essay is notorious for its unusual premise—write a letter to your future roommate—that many applicants find difficult to tackle.

Some advice and a rant about the stanford roommate essay - Reddit

In drafting the essay as a note between roommates, Stanford asks you when they are relaxing by themselves or hanging out with friends at the end of the day.

How to Ace the Stanford Roommate Essay (Example Included)

One reason the roommate essay inspires uncertainty amidst Stanford hopefuls is that it’s completely unlike the majority of essays that college applicants are usually asked to write, including the . Instead of discussing the typical meaningful challenge or , the roommate essay provides space for applicants to talk about more daily or “normal” aspects of their lives.