Given this, if you are unsure how to cite a source.

There are various reasons to use direct quotations in academic writing. You'll usually use them as an example of ideas in your assignment, but exactly how you use them varies depending on your discipline. History or Sociology students use quotes differently to Biology or Computing students, for example. You should consult your course handbook, speak to your tutors and learn from your previous assignment feedback to explore how direct quotations are used on your course. Reading around your subject will also help you understand how academics in your field write.
Direct quotes are useful for defining or describing specific concepts, whereas paraphrasing or summarising information from other sources shows that you understand the content and general idea. Try to summarise sources in most of your work and use direct quotes when they'll have a strong impact. Make it clear to the reader that you understand the quote and its context, and why you've used a quote instead of paraphrasing. You'll often use direct quotes in the middle of a paragraph. Use double quotation marks at the beginning and end of the quote, use the exact words from the original text and show your source, or your work being could be considered as plagiarism. For example: Use an ellipsis (three dots) to omit or remove parts of a quote and show where you've removed text. Don't change the meaning of the quote when you do this. For example: Using direct quotes in your writing improves your work and shows evidence of research and ideas in your assessments. Here, we explore how to use different quotes in your assessments. When writing research or academic papers, it is common to use outside sources to inform your own ideas. However, it is critical that the necessary citations are provided to these outside references. Citation is important because it shows that you obtained information or ideas from another source, such as a textbook, website, or research article. By failing to cite, you are falsely portraying someone else's ideas as your own; this is considered plagiarism, which is a form of cheating. Many students struggle with how to properly cite a source in their essays. According to recent studies, teaching students how to perfect this craft can lead to less plagiarism in their .

How do I mention an article in an essay? - Quora

I have a question regarding the citation rules; If I want to cite a sentence from an article that is also cited from another article, how should I do it?

4 Ways to Cite an Essay - wikiHow

What are citations in an essay, and how should they be used? Citations are primarily used to avoid plagiarism by correctly acknowledging external sources and authors of information you've used in your work. However, there are other reasons citations are necessary for academic writing, such as:

Essay Writing] How to write an in-text citation in MLA format ..

Knowing how to include citations in an essay is important. If you don't know how to do this, you may not be able to gain the attention of your audience by presenting them with facts and figures.

How to Cite a Journal Article | APA, MLA, & Chicago Examples

According to me, citation is only necessary if you are quoting something or writing the exact lines from a book or any other source. If you are reading, researching and writing things in your own words, you don't necessarily need to cite. Citation is also done if you want the reader to refer to a particular book or source for more information.

How do I quote article authors in an essay? - writing - Reddit

This resource is designed to elaborate on one element of cheating—plagiarism—with a particular emphasis on one kind of potential plagiarism—paraphrasing the ideas or work of another. In general, you will avoid plagiarism if you cite the sources you paraphrase and if you use words or phrases that are distinctive to your original source. Alternatively, you can use quotation marks and provide a citation to indicate text that is identical to the original source. You should err on the side of attribution and quotation marks if you want to avoid plagiarism.

How to Cite Sources in an Essay - Studybay

This page describes plagiarism and paraphrasing in a general way. Every case of alleged plagiarism will necessarily entail unique facts and circumstances. In other words, whether or not a particular Act actually constitutes plagiarism, and thus "Cheating," for purposes of the Honor Code, will be determined based on the unique facts and circumstances of each case (including, for example, such things as the nature of the assignment in question; the instructor's instructions on source material, if any; the extent and manner of reliance on the ideas and work of another author; and the policies established and expectations held by the relevant school, department or instructor). Because no one can anticipate and describe every Act that may constitute plagiarism, this resource is not exhaustive. If you are at all uncertain, you should speak to your instructor or consult a standards manual, such as A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, by Kate Turabian, in advance, about whether your actions may put you at risk of committing an Honor violation.