The Why Penn “Why this College” Essay Example

This essay spends nearly half of its words explaining the "interdisciplinary" opportunities at UPenn. However, this reason is quite superficial and not at all unique to Penn, as almost all colleges offer some sort of interdisciplinary study (i.e. combining your interests or studying multiple fields). Talking about "interdisciplinary study" is one of the most common reasons students use in their "Why Us" essay, and it often comes across as generic and unoriginal. Instead, look for offerings that no other (or very few other) schools provide. Narrow down your reasons "why" to make them more specific to the school, even if they are smaller scale. You can mention things like "interdisciplinary studies" or "diverse student body" briefly as a reason why, but don't make them one of your primary reasons why, unless you have something particularly unique about it.
Talk to current students to help better understand a college’s environment. There is no better way to learn about a university than through students that currently attend. While lots of information is available online through course catalogs, information sessions, and a university’s website, talking to current students can provide a unique perspective into everyday life, what courses are most popular, and some great student groups. Conversations you have with current students can be great to highlight in your “Why X University?” essay. Students are readily available to speak to current students either online through email or in-person once campus tours start back up. Reach out to to chat with a current UChicago student and get any of your questions answered (and check out what other schools may offer to connect with current students)! As an admissions counselor and UChicago alumna, one of my favorite things to do is talk about the university and all it has to offer! One of the easiest ways for students to let me know they are just as excited as I am about UChicago is through the first required essay of their UChicago application, what we in College Admissions call the “Why UChicago?” essay. As you are beginning your college application process, you may notice that many of the schools you interested in have a similar “Why X University?” prompt. I wanted to provide some tips as you begin writing these essays and familiarizing yourself more with different colleges and what they have to offer. Don’t use templates. While it can be very tempting to use a template when you are writing your “Why X University?” essays, it is pretty easy for an admissions counselor to spot when you are just changing the university’s name in an essay. Each school you are applying to is unique and offers its students different things, so make sure that your essays are also unique and highlight those different offerings! Gain instant access to 50 exclusive full-length UC personal insight question essay examples covering all eight questions, plus in-depth analyses for each empowering you to write exceptional essays. Proofread before you hit submit! Because you won’t be using templates to write your “Why X University?” essays, you can avoid the dreaded situation of submitting an essay to a university with a different university’s name in it. However, it is still important to proofread to double and triple check that you are not making any grammatical or spelling errors and that your essay flows. Oftentimes when I want to get a paper proofread, I will pass it off to a trusted friend to get another set of eyes on it. Getting someone else’s perspective will help with catching any major errors as well as making sure that your point is coming across clearly and concisely! Gain instant access to 50 exclusive full-length UC personal insight question essay examples covering all eight questions, plus in-depth analyses for each empowering you to write exceptional essays.

Stanford doesn’t really have a traditional why us essay.

Looking for UC Personal Insight Question examples? Subscribe below to gain instant access to 50 full-length example essays covering each prompt, plus an in-depth analysis of each essay to learn what UC admissions committees are looking for.

The Why Tufts “Why this College” Essay Example

Looking for UC Personal Insight Question examples? Subscribe below to gain instant access to 50 full-length example essays covering each prompt, plus an in-depth analysis of each essay to learn what UC admissions committees are looking for.

doesn’t really have a traditional why us essay.

Being creative within constraints shows effort and an ability to think outside the box. In this case, your constraint is what you imagine is the typical extracurricular activity you must write about. Adcoms likely get hundreds of applications from students writing about biology club or being on the student council, but do those students’ larger personalities and passion show through their writing? Remember to consider an example or anecdote that sparked your interest in that activity and harness the emotional connection in your writing.

The Why Cornell “Why this College” Essay Example

That said, your answer might be the same or similar. Your greatest talent or skill might be mock trial or soccer; perhaps you’ve written about mock trial for the extracurricular supplemental essay. The trick now is to make sure you’re answering the “over time” element of the UC question. Your job isn’t just to say you did mock trial and why you liked it; you will also need to explain something about its arc and change in your life over a period of months or years.

Strategies for addressing the “Why us?” essay:

Answering a ‘why us’ essay question for a highly prestigious school can certainly be difficult. Surely, everyone wants to attend a top-tier institution, which makes the answer seem obvious.