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On the other hand, arguing against LGBTQ discrimination is important to people today due to two main reasons. First, it is because every person deserves to be treated with respect and equality. Respect and equality are basic human rights that everyone deserves, including LGBTQ people (Ekmekci 337). Unfortunately, they often face discrimination and mistreatment because of their personalities in the societies. Everyone should be treated with respect regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity (Ekmekci 336). LGBTQ people are like everyone else; they want to love and to be adored, have families and friends, and pursue their dreams. They should be able to do all of this without fear of discrimination or violence, but sadly, this is not always the case which is wrong and needs to change. Beyond that, there are many specific reasons why LGBTQ people deserve to be treated with fairness and equality (Lee et al. 718). For example, LGBTQ people contribute in countless ways to society, often working in occupations that are vital to the functioning of community, but they do not receive much recognition.
Equality for LGBTQ people is really about basic human values and needs: the ability of everyday Americans to pursue health and happiness, earn a living, be safe in their communities, serve their country, and take care of the ones they love. And when we move away from abstract, technical language and toward discussions that connect people to common ground and common values, true understanding can take root. The Talking About LGBTQ Issues series is geared toward helping those who are conflicted or undecided better understand the issues, and toward helping them recognize the importance of and need for their support. Second, it is important to the people today because discrimination against LGBTQ people has negative consequences for society as a whole. When any group is marginalized and treated unfairly, it creates an environment in which that group is less able to contribute to society (Cundiff et al. 752). This is because they are forced to spend time and energy fighting for their rights rather than focusing on their work or families. Furthermore, discrimination against LGBTQ people also breeds hatred and intolerance (Bilewicz and Soral 31). This hate can lead to violence and hate crimes against members of the LGBTQ community. When bigotry is allowed to flourish, it destroys the fabric of society and creates an unsafe environment for everyone. Thus, it is crucial to stand together to oppose discrimination and promote equality for all. Indeed, there is no question that discrimination against the LGBTQ community is wrong and must be addressed. Given the growing acceptance of LGBT rights internationally, now is the time to advocate against LGBTQ discrimination (Bishin et al. 1018). As many countries are recognizing the rights of LGBTQ people, it is becoming increasingly difficult to justify discrimination against them. In addition, businesses are beginning to see the value in inclusive workplace policies, and consumers are voting with their dollars in favor of companies that support equality (Cyrus 197). Ultimately, discrimination against LGBTQ people is bad for businesses growth. LGBTQ people are important in promoting businesses because they are a large and growing consumer segment with significant spending power. Similarly, they are more likely than the general population to support businesses that share their values. In conclusion, when it comes to the civil rights of LGBTQ people, the time has come to advocate for an end of discrimination in all forms. This includes discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, as well as sex and gender stereotyping, and this is essential in a few ways. First and foremost, every person deserves to be treated with dignity and respect, no matter who they are in society. Second, LGBTQ people face greater levels of discrimination than other groups in many areas of life, including in employment, housing, education, and healthcare. Additionally, Trump’s administration has done little to eradicate discrimination against LGBTQ people. In fact, the administration has taken steps to legitimize and legalize discrimination against LGBTQ people. Therefore, people must stand up against bigotry and hatred and fight for a society that is inclusive and welcoming to everyone, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. The argument against LGBTQ people is important because they are human beings who contribute to national development and are also prone to stress and depression; thus need to be treated with respect and dignity.
Updated September 2024 - Explore approaches for talking about transgender people and restrooms in a variety of contexts by acknowledging audiences’ feelings of unfamiliarity, inclusively emphasizing safety for all of us, and helping people understand how transgender people are hurt when they’re denied access to restrooms. In conversations about marriage, employment protections and non-discrimination laws, adoption and parenting, military service or hate crimes, it can often be easy to fall back on abstract jargon or angry rhetoric that can derail discussions with those who are not familiar with the issues. These guides offer ways that LGBTQ organizations, community members and allies alike can build common ground with moveable audiences, show them how their actions (or inaction) can hurt gay and transgender people, and help them understand issues of LGBTQ equality through the lenses of their own values and beliefs.
206 LGBTQ Research Topics & Title Ideas for Essays - StudyCorgi
Similarly, the increased visibility of LGBTQ people and growing acceptance of LGBT rights globally has made it the right time to argue against LGBTQ discrimination. First, the visibility of LGBTQ people has increased dramatically in recent years (Stone e12638). This is due in part to the growing acceptance of LGBTQ people, which has allowed more people to feel comfortable coming out. As a result, many high-profile individuals are openly joining LGBTQ, including celebrities, politicians, and business leaders. Second, there is growing evidence that discrimination against LGBTQ people is harmful to both LGBTQ individuals and society as a whole. A number of studies have shown that LGBT individuals who experience discrimination are at an increased risk of committing suicide (Woulfe and Goodman 100). When the society loses its members who pay development tax, regardless of their affiliation, the country’s economic status declines.
140 LGBT Research Paper Topics To Discuss
Additionally, Trump showed little interest in protecting the rights of LGBTQ people. Trump administration officials actively worked to roll back progress made on LGBTQ rights in recent years. For example, the administration proposed a religious freedom rule that would allow healthcare providers to discriminate against LGBTQ patients and has implemented a transgender military ban (Sonfield 50). Similarly, the Trump administration announced that they erased transgender civil rights protections in health care, making it easier for doctors to refuse treatment to patients based on their gender identity. This is a clear attack on the LGBTQ community and an attempt to strip away the hard-fought rights that have been won over many years (Haynes 385). Therefore, with all of this going on, now is definitely the time to stand up and fight against discrimination against LGBTQ people.
LGBTQ argumentative essay : r/exmormon - Reddit
Updated September 2024 - Kids learn important life lessons in sports: leadership, confidence, teamwork. Amid efforts to ban transgender youth from K-12 school sports, this guide provides messaging tools that emphasize shared values and show how harmful it is to exclude transgender youth from this vital part of their education.