Question 2. What are the characteristics of multiculturalism?

What does Diversity and Multiculturalism mean to me? I believe that diversity has become so much more than just the basic qualities of race or gender. It now includes all qualities that make everyone unique, as individuals or as part of a larger group. It is also the acceptance, respect, and understanding of these unique qualities that makes diversity work in a given society. Multiculturalism is the system that is centered around the respect for and the promotion of ethnic and or gender diversity in the society. Multiculturalism is the status of several different ethnic, racial, religious or cultural groups co-existing in the same society. Today, in the U.S. we already
Cultural relativism is the view that moral and ethical systems vary from culture to culture, and fundamentally, that all moral and ethical systems are therefore equally valid. It may sound like an overgeneralization, but from a summative perspective, relativists maintain that whatever is right or wrong for a particular culture is indeed right and wrong. To understand the impact of cultural relativism on ethical and moral issues in contemporary society, we need to face multiculturalism. Relativists claim that their position opposes cultural imperialism, or the interference of one culture in the moral and ethical values of another – in other words, an attempt to "civilize" them. This itself is a reaction to the centuries of cultural imperialism endorsed by moral absolutists. For instance, in the declaration of the "white man's burden" during the colonization of India, it was considered the moral "duty" of the British Empire to civilize the rest of the world. The continuation of this stance has led to the dominance of Western culture in the global sphere. It is at this point that the positive aspect of relativism collapses into an internal inconsistency. If moral and ethical systems are only valid within a given culture, and cultures are different, then there is no way to compare one system with another and claim that they should not interfere. What does Diversity and Multiculturalism mean to me? I believe that diversity has become so much more than just the basic qualities of race or gender. It now includes all qualities that make everyone unique, as individuals or as part of a larger group. It is also the acceptance, respect, and understanding of these unique qualities that makes diversity work in a given society. Multiculturalism is the system that is centered around the respect for and the promotion of ethnic and or gender diversity in the society. Multiculturalism is the status of several different ethnic, racial, religious or cultural groups co-existing in the same society. Today, in the U.S. we already This paper, “Positive Effects of Multiculturalism: Essay Example”, was written and voluntary submitted to our free essay database by a straight-A student. Please ensure you properly reference the paper if you're using it to write your assignment. This paper has discussed the different arguments for and against a multicultural society. Therefore, it was concluded that a multicultural society has its own advantages and disadvantages. These arguments have been put forth with a view to suggest that a multicultural society will benefit the nation in the long run even though there may be initial teething problems. It is further suggested that the nation should adopt a proactive policy to encourage greater interaction among the different communities and make adjustments to foster greater trust and understanding. This would involve public education and various socio-economic policies. However, this does not imply that a multicultural society will lead to the harmonization of culture and religion and the creation of a homogeneous society. The original culture of a nation is unlikely to change, and the multicultural experience could possibly lead to greater tension and conflict among communities. Arguments that support and oppose multiculturalism in societies are discussed and appraised in this study, which has led to the conclusion that the disadvantages of multiculturalism far outweigh the advantages, thus it is a bad policy for modern Western nations. The major argument in support of multiculturalism is that it is a fair and open-minded policy which respects cultural diversity. The axiom here is that all cultures are equal and worthy of equal consideration and respect. Given this diverse nature of cultures, it is then argued that the presence of different cultures within a liberal society is inevitable and that it is better to officially recognise this fact by adopting the policy of multiculturalism, rather than to have minority cultures assimilate into the majority culture. The second major argument is that multiculturalism is a good way to manage cultural diversity. To simply let minority cultures assimilate, it is argued, is to force an inferior status upon the members of the minority culture in which they are made to feel ashamed of their own cultural identity. At the same time, the minority culture can experience resentment and cultural conflict because they are not fully accepted as being equal to the majority culture. The superior status of the majority culture can also lead to political and economic discrimination against the members of the minority culture. Given these potential problems with assimilation, it is then argued that the alternative of segregating each culture into separate communities is also an undesirable situation to create. Thus it is said that the best solution is to integrate all the different cultures into one another with mutual respect and tolerance, which is the essence of multiculturalism. Multiculturalism has been a boon to Canada. It has been overall a positive force. It has helped to create a strong and united Canada by allowing citizens to keep their cultural identities and still be a part of the whole. This has prevented racial tensions and made Canada a much safer place to live. It has provided Canada with a highly qualified and well-trained labor force. Many of these workers have come to Canada as the result of a brain gain, that is, they were educated in their own countries at the expense of the taxpayers and then immigrated to Canada. This has been a benefit to Canada because it has not had to pay the expense of training these workers. Multiculturalism has led to a better understanding of the arts. With so many different cultures to choose from, Canadians have been exposed to a myriad of artistic experiences. This has helped to keep Canadian culture alive while enabling the arts to flourish. It has also allowed these artists to be fairly compensated for their talents instead of being forced to give up on their careers. Canada is also viewed upon favorably from other nations. Canada's multicultural policies have given it an international reputation as being a leader in human rights. This was highlighted by former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau when he was awarded the 1984 Albert Einstein Peace Prize in Germany. In the context of global issues, the ethnic diversity in Canada has helped to foster a greater understanding of other cultures. This can serve as a model for other nations to follow in an attempt to bring about world peace.

Multiculturalism In Australia Essay.

This paper, “Multiculturalism: Benefits and Drawbacks”, was written and voluntary submitted to our free essay database by a straight-A student. Please ensure you properly reference the paper if you're using it to write your assignment.

Multiculturalism In Australia Essay [Internet].

Multiculturalism as an ideology is a worldview based on a tolerant attitude towards culture and other differences. Among the basic principles of such an ideology, in addition to the right to cultural difference, one can highlight the principle of cultural equality and mutual tolerance. It can be argued that tolerance is the basis of multiculturalism (Hoffman et al., 2019). Another important aspect of multiculturalism is that self-identification within a particular ethnic culture should not violate the rights of other ethnic groups and the laws of the state as a whole.

Argumentative Essay-Multiculturalism

1. IntroductionReasons why learning multiple languages is important in today's global society are outlined. They include the need for improved communication and understanding among individuals worldwide. Next, these acquisitions facilitate the learning of other languages or strengthen the speaker's knowledge of all their languages. Proficiency in several languages extends occupational and personal options since the international community and many individual countries act effectively through a...

Argumentative Essay-Multiculturalism

First, the idea of multiple cultures in America has “Often let people live, be free, and pursue happiness in America without having to sacrifice or hide their belief systems” (Volokh). People are able to be happy as they do not have to hide who they truly are. Second, multiculturalism allows society to form new and distinct ideologies. With religious and cultural diversity, the country is known as a “marketplace of ideas” (Volokh). Next, multiculturalism helps benefit the country as a whole.