Essay:My favourite place long story

As the author, you will be required to convey the physical and, more importantly, the emotional attributes of the person or the place you are describing. To grab your reader’s attention for your essay, your descriptions have to be interesting. But don’t forget about the structure of the essay itself. It is crucial that it has a captivating introduction, a meaty body and a strong, concise conclusion.
At some point in your academic or professional career, you may be asked to write a descriptive essay about a person or a place. A descriptive essay is essentially a short piece of writing in which the author describes a person or place using words that engage all five senses: sight, touch, smell, sound and taste. When I think about my sole favorite place in California, it's commonly the visual aspects that come to mind. I think of how breathtaking the blue skies, blue waters, and blue waves are. I am always stunned to see the variety of colors that the sun can create in the sky during a single sunset. It often displays gleaming reds, dark pinks, saturated oranges, radiant yellows, and a unique combination of all of those mixed together. I get a thrill out of watching the pearly white seagulls hovering over the waves of the water, as they echo in sound. Sometimes a flock of them fly overhead and in unison, they become graceful translucent shadows. Amidst the waves, I see different colors of surfboards and wetsuits intertwining and colliding with one another as they catch the next perfect wave. The water is a deep blue and even through the shadows of the ocean and the movements of the waves, I am still able to see the white sandy ocean floor through the water. As I walk towards my second favorite place to dwell, I begin to notice the scent of the ocean. It's inviting me forward. Every step I take brings me lightly closer to the water than the last. You see, the path divides into a wooden staircase that leads down a steep drop. It was built a long time before modern times. Standing on the pavement where land meets the ocean, the ground crumbles and I can hear small rocks sliding downwards their respective places. When I look out, to the left, there is a beautiful flower garden. The contrast between the sandy beach and the vibrant succulents that make up the garden catches my eye, just as the scent of the wild roses catches my nose. When I look to the other side, to the right, I can see the busy houses and businesses of the small community. As my eyes scan the scene, they stop on the busy road. Throughout the day there are many bikers, walkers, and rollerbladers on it. The fact that the road hugs the coastline provides the foot traffic with a breathtaking scene to the left. Busy birds sit on and hop around the lush green, teepee-like flowers growing on the cliff. The flower's design and color are an idea that I find amazing. Another attribute that I find amazing is the nests built on the white fences by the busy birds. Their nests are delicately designed with a variety of colors and shapes of broken shells. The white fences provide the perfect backdrop for an effortless fly-by. I feel that the setting is truly one of a kind. One way to demonstrate a character’s personality is through actions. Their behaviour will communicate anger or sadness or anxiety. Don't tell us they're funny. Have them be funny. Show, don't tell. When you can describe in detail what they're doing and why they're doing it, you leverage the reader’s imagination. It is easy to fall into an incoherent rambling of emotions and senses when writing a descriptive essay. However, you must strive to present an organized and logical description if the reader is to come away from the essay with a cogent sense of what it is you are attempting to describe. One of the most essential components of any environment is sound. At my favorite place, the songs of the birds are always there, whether I am aware of the birds or not. Hearing new sounds every time I am in a different location in the forest, I feel as though I am in a totally different place after hiking for just a few minutes. Though these songs are beautiful in their own right, I believe that the steady melody that flows throughout the forest is most captivating. A gentle soughing sound always comes from the forest, created by the wind as it flows through the trees. The only other sounds that are prevalent in my favorite place over those of the living creatures are those of the wind and the trickling rivulets of water that I can hear nearby. Listening to these soft sounds can help me relax and feel calm and serene. They help provide the environment with a feeling of serenity and encourage me to relish every moment of the peace and quiet that the forest offers. The birds, wind, and water are not the only sounds that make up the auditory environment in my favorite place, however. Though I may not always hear it, the laughing, bubbling sound of lulled, playful, or serene human voices may reach the forest glen from time to time. The more you can describe, the better your essay will be. For example, here are two sentences that describe similar things. They're both grammatically correct. The difference is one is good enough, and the other is excellent.

019 Essay About Place Example ~ Thatsnotus.

A descriptive essay about a place is often easier to write as the author is able to rely on his or her memory—or a memory of a similar place. This may be a memory of your school or a recent local festival. Unfortunately, as a result of this, descriptions of places tend to gravitate towards physical senses, such as sight.

Descriptive Essay About A Place

Set in the heart of the Karoo, Sneeuberg is a place of echoes and silence, a vast open space enveloped by a majestic mountain range. In the mountain and on the plains one can delight in experiencing spring, summer, autumn, and winter – all in one afternoon. As most of the Sneeuberg plateau lies between 1600 and 2000 meters above sea level, the light is intense, the air of a pureness that is as cleansing as ever, the silence is otherworldly, and as earthbound man, you have an odd feeling of being nearer to heaven at the same time. In recent years, much effort has been made to recapture the feel and aura that, in days gone by, saw this area being known as the Athenian of the Karoo. Such then is Sneeuberg – a place of many moods, a place of unique contrasts. The moment when driving the last bend, one is suddenly confronted by a vision of incredible proportion and vastness – green, with beautiful Dutch-style farmhouses scattered along the numerous valleys, and with the dark ridge of the Compassberg in the background – will leave anyone bewildered and generous with praise. In the days of Koos de la Rey, the Boers would have been proud of a place with the aura of Greek mythology. Today, red stone Karoo earth has again become the recipients of many hearts.

Example of a Descriptive Essay About a Place

Remember, there is more than just what we see. Instead of simply describing the physical attributes of a place, describe how the place made you feel. For example, you can describe the whistle of the wind as it brushes past the mountain walls or the refreshing salty breeze while you stand on the scorching beach sand.

Descriptive Essay About a Place You Visited

When I was a young girl, I would often visit my favorite place in the world. It was the park across the street from my grandmother's house. I would go there whenever I needed to get a break from the real world. In my favorite childhood place, while sitting, I would smell the earthy odors around me. I could hear the sound of happy children's laughter carried on the wind. Every time I felt upset or sick, I would go to a special place to release my stress. Being from a family of writers, I got quite good at descriptive writing before I realized what it was. The park is a favorite place for people to go and enjoy the scenery, or play with the family; and I also enjoy going there because it is a calming place. For these reasons, nothing in the world will make me feel better than spending time in my favorite place, the park. As an international school student, I have always wanted to visit the park that my hoagy. surplice lives. However, I never have had the chance to go there. My favorite place is the forest, or park, which is always peaceful and beautiful. Undoubtedly, there is nowhere in the world that a person can feel as relaxed about other people or what has occurred. Whenever I need to be relieved from stress, I usually go to the forest. Both the forest and park are very beautiful. Natural splendors like animals replacement and plants recycle the rain, but not always does a creature be present. Career has always been one of the most important things in my life. With warmth from fire and food from the forest come two competing lifelike elements.