Answer: 500 words is 1 page single spaced or 2 pages double spaced.

We guarantee that we provide the most affordable 500-word essay help in the USA. You can also find public holiday discounts, seasonal discounts and special offers on our site ensuring that you can find more value in less money.
Students have got tons of questions when it comes to essay writing and we are here to answer each one of them. All the exclusive features of our 500-word are easily affordable as we have kept our rates minimal. We understand managing expenses while you are studying can be tough. Every writer has their own specific style of writing. All of us adopt different methods for examining topics. We use different language means to describe the features of the issues we are dealing with. The manner of exploring various subjects and creating papers, in general, is what makes each piece of writing exclusive. When producing your 500-word assignment, try to follow these recommendations. Do you wonder how long would it take to write a 500-word long essay? Well, it majorly depends upon the topic that you have chosen for your essay. The essay topic should be intriguing and informative so that you can find enough content to write. Many times students pick up difficult topics and are not able to structurize their content as per the 500-word limit. Hence, one must choose their essay topic wisely. Keep off the grammatical mistakes and language errors with our and . Our500-word essay writers will review your essay and ensure that it is 100% error-free. Let us do the polishing and help you make your essay a masterpiece. The following is a composite screenshot of how Wordtune Read summarized the effects of video games on children from a long and complex article. The key highlights on the right help you distill the core messages of the research in minutes, condensing hours of reading into minutes. If you are afraid of writing your 500 word essay, we assure you that our guide will allow you to learn many handy tips and secrets that will turn the writing process into a very interesting experience. Let`s face it. Not all students can be good writers. Some of them lack writing ideas, some cannot focus on the assignment properly, whereas others have poor writing skills. However, if you are a determined and goal-oriented person, you will face this challenge with dignity. Improving your writing skills with every new writing task, you will be able to become a qualified and skilled academic writer, who will handle various academic tasks easier. In our article, we are going to help you find out what does a 500 word essay look like.

Here is the body for our 500-word essay sample:

It is always helpful to provide examples to illustrate complex academic or technical points. As well as adding color and descriptiveness to your own words, examples help your arguments come to life in a way that academic writing cannot. Having read several essays about the same topic, your evaluator will probably find it enjoyable to read something more creative and genuine.Ă‚

500 Word Essay On Responsibility

As its name suggests, the main characteristic of the 500 word essay is its length. No matter what topic you are going to explore, you should not exceed the word limit allowed. Therefore, the main difficulty in writing this paper is to develop all the ideas within the pretty limited word count. As such, the writer should be able to focus on the most important arguments omitting irrelevant information. In spite of being pretty short, this paper requires attention to detail, creativity, and commitment. Let`s discuss the writing process in detail:

500 Word Essay On Why I Deserve a Scholarship Pdf

Some students have no idea of how many paragraphs are there is a 500-word essay. This also depends upon the guidelines. Sometimes students are asked to give an introduction, a conclusion, and one body paragraph while other times students are asked to write at least three body paragraphs along with an introduction and a conclusion.

500 Word Essay on Why I Want to be a Teacher

Although it is pretty clear how long is a 500 word essay, some students experience difficulties with understanding the length of the paragraphs. If you are an experienced writer, you will do everything intuitively. However, if you are just a beginner, you should know that the length of each paragraph should be proportional to the length of the whole essay. Most probably, your text will be divided into five paragraphs. Each of these paragraphs should cover approximately 100 words. However, if you exceed the word count by 15-20 words, it won`t be a problem.

500 Word Essay on Why I Want to be a Nurse

Some students wonder if a 500-word essay exactly needs to be 500 words. Well, this is not the case. Sometimes it is a minimum of 500 words and there is no upper limit while the other times it is a maximum of 500 words that is one can write 400 words, 300 words essay as well. It all depends upon the guidelines given to the students.