18 essay on overpopulation causes, effects and solutions.
Others experience problems from technological change or declining neighborhoods, others are affected directly y crime and violence in their own neighborhood, and sometimes definitions of social problems are changed by society because of changes around you. Finally in order to achieve the purpose of this which is to examine and discuss different issues and situations that cause social problems such as poverty. Overpopulation and social problems go hand and hand in today’s society and there are many reasons and factors as to why these problems exist.
Increased birth rates, life-prolonging advances in the health industry, technological progress, and food distribution were the main causes for the population growth. On the one hand, they all lead to general improvements of an average person’s life quality, but on the other, they are causing far greater problems in the future due to the overpopulation. With the world’s population increasing rapidly every year, there is a pressing need to take measures that would help to maintain the natural balance. Overpopulation can lead to overcrowding and poor quality housing in many large cities. Poorly heated or damp housing could cause significant health problems, resulting in illness, such as bronchitis or pneumonia. Another serious consequence of overcrowding is a rising crime rate as poor living conditions may lead young people in particular to take desperate measures and turn to crime or drugs. Overpopulation refers to a phenomenon when the birth rate in a species exceeds the death rate. Another usage of the term is associated with natural resources. When the population size exceeds natural capacities of the territory, overpopulation is observed. The effects can be numerous. On the one hand, this leads to exhaustion of natural resources, ecological imbalance, and possible catastrophes. On the other hand, it results in poverty, unemployment, economic imbalance, and decline in the standard of living. The underlying cause for such unfavorable future consequences is technological progress and improvement of life quality.
In 1910s, a total number of people in the world were around 1 billion. A century later, in 2015, the global population count reached 7.3 billion people. By comparison, there were only 370 million in mid-1300, in the times of the plague, wars, and other maladies. The number of people globally is progressing at fast pace. What is happening to the world is human overpopulation. I have just one doubt. While studying about poverty i found that every cause of it is totally related to other one, and in this situation it becomes difficult to write two separate reasons or body paragraphs about poverty.
Overpopulation, for instance, is the reason of lack of resources or services that include education, but education can be a different reason. In the similar way unemployment is another cause of pooverty, and unemploymet is also due to overpopulation. Factors that lead to overpopulation that causes social problems are the increase in the number of single mothers in poor neighborhoods opposed to the decline n birth rates in the more efficient parts of the country, how the death rate is at a steady decline because of medical advances in rich and poor countries, the effects immigrants have on an environment and the population growth that occurs, the influence parents leave on children, and what is being done to help prevent the spread of AIDS because this is a deadly disease which is lowering our population but causing many social problems.
Overpopulation Essay in English for Students | 500 Words Essay.
Conclusion: Overpopulation is not the main cause behind poverty. It is the other way around. However, fast population growth is not desirable too. So in order to develop, countries like Bangladesh need to adopt policies that focus on making people aware of the ways to keep the family small. The consequences of rapid population should neither be exaggerated nor minimized. However, it is pretty clear problem of population is not simply a problem Of huge number. It is about quality of life and material well being.
Conclusion:Overpopulation is not the main cause behind poverty.
This shows us that population no longer remains a problem even though there is slow economic growth by focusing on empowering people, especially women. Defending my thesis: My thesis is that poverty causes overpopulation and to solve both the problems, other issues are needed to be taken care of. One of the main causes that keep poor countries and poor people poor is unequal distribution of wealth and natural resources. The developed countries consist of one quarter of the world’s population but consume almost 80% of the world resources. In 2005, the wealthiest 20% of the world accounted for 76. % of total private consumption. The poorest 20% consumed just 1. 5%. When one child is born in a developed country, the amount of money and resources spend behind it is equivalent to 16 children in the developing countries. Therefore the developed countries should cut back their very high consumption instead of asking developing countries to control their population growth. However they do not do that in an attempt to hold down he development of the poor countries to continue dominance over them and to maintain the very expensive living style.
Overpopulation Is Caused by Poverty.
There is a theory known as ‘population-poverty cycle’. This theory states that overpopulation makes the economic, social, and psychological problems more complicated. As more children are born every day, there is less savings rate per person in the household and national level. Because of the uncontrolled population growth, the government fails to provide the basic necessities for the additional people. This leads to low living standard of the existing generation and eventually poverty is transferred to the next generation.
Overpopulation Is Caused by Poverty.
Eventually, similar policy might also be necessary in over crowed nation as India for example.
In conclusion, overpopulation creates danger effects for human beings so we have to be more conscious to mitigate this problem in the time.