Write a slogan that motivates people to recycle their plastic.
In 2018, Jackson Hole Mountain Resort (JHMR) in Teton Village, WY, USA, discontinued its International Standards Organization 14001 environmental management system. JHMR needed a replacement voluntary environmental program (VEP) that would empower resort employees to directly mitigate climate change, reduce waste and pollution, minimize water use, and restore biodiversity, along with improving building, education, and purchasing. I developed the Model for Alpine Resort Sustainability (MARS) based on 2 research objectives of improving existing industry-specific VEPs and empowering employees to directly mitigate resort environmental impacts through their work. MARS involves 4 business management principles: (1) use ski industry-specific criteria to drive accountability comprehensively across 25 resort departments; (2) quantify greenhouse gas emissions, using both absolute and intensity or normalized bases, and apply quantification to solid waste production and water consumption; (3) employ modern management techniques and software to focus on action over documentation; and (4) strategically align with the core business objective of alpine resorts to provide profitable outdoor recreation by decreasing costs and increasing revenues. MARS provides the most comprehensive, research-based accounting to date of alpine resort environmental impacts and mitigation indicators. MARS could be applied to larger resorts receptive to change.
However, ISO 14001 registration from 2008–2018 was insufficient for developing initiatives to mitigate the resort's environmental impacts. Some of my initiatives at JHMR were limited in space and irregular in time, rather than being comprehensive and consistent, such as converting only 3 resort vehicles to 100% biodiesel and only using microbial degreasing machines (as opposed to petroleum naphtha) in 1 of 4 maintenance shops (chairlift, gondola, tram, and vehicle). Other initiatives were simply fortuitous, such as eliminating retail plastic bags because of a countywide ban and reducing GHG emissions on an intensity or normalized basis (per winter visitor) because of growth. is a —that is, a material whose are very large, often resembling long chains made up of a seemingly endless series of interconnected links. Natural polymers such as and exist in abundance, but nature’s “plastics” have not been implicated in environmental , because they do not persist in the . Today, however, the average consumer comes into daily contact with all kinds of plastic materials that have been developed specifically to defeat natural decay processes—materials derived mainly from that can be molded, cast, spun, or applied as a coating. Since synthetic plastics are largely , they tend to persist in natural . Moreover, many lightweight single-use plastic products and packaging materials, which account for approximately 50 percent of all plastics produced, are not deposited in containers for subsequent removal to , centres, or . Instead, they are improperly disposed of at or near the location where they end their usefulness to the consumer. Dropped on the ground, thrown out of a , heaped onto an already full trash bin, or inadvertently carried off by a gust of , they immediately begin to pollute the . Indeed, landscapes littered by plastic packaging have become common in many parts of the world. (Illegal dumping of plastic and overflowing of containment structures also play a role.) Studies from around the world have not shown any particular country or group to be most responsible, though centres generate the most litter. The causes and effects of plastic pollution are truly worldwide. VEPs typically involve either process standards such as ISO 14001 (with generic procedures) or performance standards such as Leadership in Environmental and Energy Design (LEED) for building construction (with industry-specific criteria and indicators). VEP standards of either type require periodic surveillance assessments or audits, which may be conducted by the certified or registered entity (first party), the standard-setting body (second party), or an assurance provider or validation and verification body (third party). Demand for performance standards in particular has exploded over the past 2 decades, with nearly 500 now used globally () to signal environmental attributes to potential buyers (). Performance standards may be necessary to overcome adverse selection or information asymmetry () between buyers and sellers, but the rigor of those standards determines whether they are sufficient. For example, research by and found that the Forest Stewardship Council and the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil, despite claims, provide few ecological benefits in naturally regenerated boreal forests and tropical palm oil plantations, respectively. Side-by-side comparisons of similar companies with and without ISO 14001 registration indicate that ISO 14001 typically reduces internalized costs such as energy consumption and associated GHG air pollution (). However, it does not necessarily reduce air pollution from nitrous oxides, particulate matter, sulfur oxides, and volatile organic chemicals (). Now that you know what a position paper is and how you can write one the right way, it’s time to choose the right topic for your essay. All you have to do is choose one of our original topic ideas: Compared with materials in common use in the first half of the 20th century, such as , , , and , plastics have a low recovery rate. That is, they are relatively inefficient to reuse as scrap in the manufacturing process, because of significant processing difficulties such as a low point, which prevents contaminants from being driven off during heating and reprocessing. Most recycled plastics are subsidized below the cost of raw materials by various deposit schemes, or their recycling is simply by government regulations. rates vary dramatically from country to country, and only northern European countries obtain rates greater than 50 percent. In any case, recycling does not really address plastic pollution, since recycled plastic is “properly” disposed of, whereas plastic pollution comes from improper disposal. the catchy title of this blog post immediately caught my eye and intrigued me to read on. I did not know much about Welsh devolution, but this blog post enabled me to get a feel for it in action in a very important policy area. I liked how the author took the time to explain what exactly the expansion of the Welsh government would mean for all of its devolved powers and not just from an environmental standpoint. I also found it useful how the author provided a practical example of how devolution has impacted Welsh environmental policy through energy consumption. Another example of devolution working to favour the Welsh environmental impact that the author could have included is their ability to implement a policy across five areas of the country that reduces speed limits to 50mph to fight pollution. To improve, the author could briefly compare just how much more devolved the Welsh system has become since its implementation in 1998.
How can slogans on plastic help the environment?
This blog post intrigued me straight away as I had little knowledge on the Welsh Senedd and on their environmental policies. Using a current issue like the environment and showing how devolution can have its benefits on it, is a unique way on looking at the topic of devolution. The blog post was informative on the changes Wales is making to help protect the environment. I especially found the part about how Wales was the first of the devolved governments to implement a plastic bag levy, leading to all others following suit. This highlights how devolved governments legislations can influence one another to benefit the UK as a whole. The graph used highlights how Wales have improved their renewable energies, to further show how Wales compares to the rest of the UK a graph could be included to compare the renewable energy usage from the four other countries. This could then further be used in the argument that a devolved government is able or more able to get environmantal policies through.
What makes a good slogan on plastic?
Participation in Sustainable Slopes requires that resorts pledge to incorporate sustainability into all aspects of their resorts (NSAA n.d. b). Sustainable Slopes has historically suffered from nonbinding weakness (), lacking penalties or rewards based on periodic assessments (Steelman and Rivera 2007). Nonbinding weakness enables some alpine resorts to free-ride or pool by adding their signatures to the pledge without changing their business practices, leading to greenwashing accusations (). Greenwashing involves both lies of deed and word decoupling (), and half-lies of attention diversion or selective disclosure (; ), such as providing compostable food service containers but no compost collection.
How do I write effective slogans on plastic?
Firstly, this blog catches the eye with an intriguing title that compels the audience to continue reading. Welsh devolution is often an area that most people do not have much knowledge of, especially compared to its Scottish or Northern Irish counterparts, as the Welsh institution is considerably weaker and therefore often neglected from discourse surrounding devolution. Therefore, it was great to see this author tackle the issue of Welsh devolution and particularly its success in the area of environmental policy.
This blog is well-structured, well-referenced, and explains new concepts thoroughly. A great strength of this blog is that it employs a graph and statistics to affirm and substantiate its arguments.
It would’ve been interesting if the author had compared the success of devolved environmental policy in Wales to that of other devolved regions. Although the author showcases examples of Welsh policy being highly innovative and leading ahead of the rest of the UK, such as being the first nation in the UK to introduce the plastic bag levy, Muinzer suggest that England and Wales work slowly towards environmental targets whilst Scotland exceeds national standards (2017). Therefore, acknowledging and discussing counterarguments like these would add further analysis to the blog, and showcase a deeper understanding of the topic.
Overall, this is a well-researched an highly insightful blog.