Impact of Covid 19 on education?
As you are writing your CASPA COVID essay, it’s important to be honest and authentic. Admissions committees are looking for students who can communicate effectively and who are willing to be vulnerable. This doesn’t mean that you have to share your deepest secrets, but it does mean that you should be willing to talk about the challenges you’ve faced and the lessons you’ve learned.
Besides the financial impacts, pay cuts have effects on morale and overall productivity. Taking away a portion of employees’ income suddenly lowers their morale, especially if they are expected to do the same duties for less compensation (Cortes & Forsythe, 2020). During the period of the pay cut, there was a general feeling of low morale in the workplace. Decreased morale comes with lower productivity. Employees did not feel motivated to work hard for less pay, so the reduced productivity further affected the normal operations of the business. The overall effect of lower morale and decreased productivity was a decline in the quality of work due to the lost benefits and incentives. Pay cuts also come with reduced loyalty as employees are generally uncertain about what may come next. The overall effect is that employees start listening to offers from other potential employers due to the reduced loyalty. To make your essay stand out, describe how the pandemic impacted you AND – this is super important – how you adapted and overcame that particular situation. How did you overcome these challenges? What strategies did you use to stay motivated and focused during difficult times? What lessons did you learn about yourself and your priorities? These are the kinds of questions that can help you craft a powerful and memorable CASPA COVID essay. And – this is so important – they also want to know if and how you can overcome obstacles or resistance. Did you demonstrate resilience and perseverance? Did you keep trying even when doors kept closing? Do you have determination and grit? Yes, we can gather all of this from your COVID essay. And if you listen to this advice, THIS is where you can stand out! We want to know you can overcome hurdles and not give up in the face of difficulty. We want to know that you want to be a PA so much that you will persevere even when challenges block your path. We want to know that if another pandemic happens, you will not shy away from helping your community and you will be able to handle the adversity that comes your way. Not only does this help us glean how much you want to be a PA and how much you truly want to serve others, but it also gives us an idea of how you will respond to the rigors and struggles that come with being a PA student. You also want to be specific. Use concrete examples to illustrate your experiences. For example, let’s say you were in school when COVID shut everything down and your university transitioned to virtual learning. You can absolutely talk about this in your COVID essay, especially if you struggled with the abrupt transition. You could write something like this, then write about how you overcame this. Did you learn new study techniques, did you rearrange your schedule to focus on time management, did you meet your peers online for virtual study groups? All of these things are great to include because it shows you are able to adapt and persevere, not to mention the new things and skills and techniques you learned make you a better, more well-rounded student. And this is how you will approach each conflict you bring up in your COVID essay. Also, Make sure you backup what you are writing about. Instead of saying “I’m resilient,” show how you’ve demonstrated resilience in the face of adversity. Again, be specific in how you have improved as a person, student and candidate. In summary, the CASPA COVID essay is an important part of your PA school application. It gives admissions committees insight into how you’ve been impacted by the pandemic and how you’ve responded to the challenges it has presented. By sharing your experiences in a compelling and authentic way, AND specifically stating how you persevere and overcame the challenges in your path, you can make your essay really stand out. One of the greatest impacts of coronavirus is the financial impact that weighed heavily on me. The economic disruptions forced many employers, whether small, medium size, or large to cut salaries of employees temporarily due to loss of revenues during the pandemic. A considerable number of companies turned to pay cuts rather than laying off workers to reduce their labor expenses, and my employer was no exception (Buheji & Ahmed, 2020). My company implemented a 40% pay cut for all employees in March 2020, hoping to preserve the existing workforce for a faster recovery. Although the approach made economic sense, particularly during those uncertain times, it affected my lifestyle and general spending habits. During the 1 year of a pay cut, I had trouble paying my bills, including servicing a bank loan that I had taken a couple of years ago. The loss of income meant that I had to dip into personal savings at least to make ends meet. At some point, I had to borrow money from family members and friends to cover some of the expenses. The financial struggles during the period were a result of job disruption. In addition, the loss of income curtailed my ability to save money due to the economic upheaval.
Persuasive Essay About Covid-19 In The Philippines - Example
There are a few reasons why PA schools are really interested in your answer to this. One, we are genuinely interested in how your path to applying to PA school was affected by the pandemic and how it may have had a negative impact on your competitiveness, in addition to how you responded to it. For example, did you have PA shadowing lined up and plans to accrue a significant number of hours, then COVID happened, your shadowing was dropped, and now you may not be as competitive in that category as you had hoped or as competitive as your peers? Schools want to know how COVID impacted your plans.
Persuasive essay on the covid-19 vaccine
Losing loved ones and not being able to attend their funeral during the Covid-19 era affected my ability to process their loss. For example, I experienced frequent and ongoing thoughts after losing my grandmother and not being able to attend her burial. I was constantly preoccupied with sorrow, excessive bitterness, and anger. I experienced a disconnection from a number of social relationships for several months because I had difficulties accepting her death. The thought of helplessness and hopelessness stuck me for a whole year and had significant impacts on my day-to-day functioning. Even after the lockdown restrictions were lifted, funeral services have been quite different during the coronavirus era (MacKenzie, 2020). For example, the restrictions of the people who can attend meant that I had to miss attending the funeral of colleagues and close friends who died during the pandemic period.
Integration of Covid-19 Persuasive essay
As a pre-PA student, you likely experienced significant changes in your academic, professional, and personal life as a result of the pandemic. Admissions committees want to know how you’ve responded to these challenges, and how you’ve adapted. The CASPA COVID essay is your opportunity to share your experiences and demonstrate your resilience and adaptability.
Integration of Covid-19 Persuasive essay sample
The media continues to provide reliable information to the general public concerning the COVID-19 pandemic. That includes the various pandemic developments and the personal protective measures that people are expected to take. People and nations are expected to make judgments based on what they learn from the media. Mainstream news continues to be more reliable, providing quality information, and moral obligations compared to the information obtained on social media. Both mainstream news and information obtained through social media, continue to play a significant role in distributing governmental and non-governmental information and the various recommendations, including the personal protective measures that the general public is expected to take. Everybody is concerned about the information that the clients have access to. The messages about the increasing deaths continue to resonate with everyone. The implicit biases affected the messages delivered by increasing the stereotypes that people have towards the increasing number of infections.