The Why Penn “Why this College” Essay Example
AND!! If you’re applying to schools without a supplement (like , , or for example), we strongly recommend sending them an email that is, essentially, a why essay.
Of all of our why school essay examples, this why this college essay sample discusses an actual experience the student had on campus. In truth, this is a great strategy. Using this topic, admissions gets to hear about how they connected with a student. They also learn how this student already sees themself as part of the student community. As you can see, this question might be worded in many different ways, or they might have slightly different focuses. Some are long, some are short. But they all ultimately want to know why you’re drawn to their school and how their school can help you accomplish your goals. Like many of our other why school essay examples, this writer follows a strong structure. They started with a personal story, sprinkled in specific and valuable details, and ended with a big-picture summary of “Why this school.” First, remember that you’re writing to a private school admissions audience that has probably seen every high school application essay in the book. So don’t write the one you think they want to read… write the one that you care most about. This is the why behind your major: your lightbulb moment, the time you realized you were passionate about this topic. If you want to study chemistry, maybe it’s the backyard experiments you used to do with your dad. If it’s engineering, you’d talk about building legos all the live long day. If it’s English, maybe you stayed up all night reading as a kid. It doesn’t need to be a childhood passion either – it could be a lecture you heard in class or a conversation you had with an adult that made you explore something deeper. Our final why this college essay sample, is from Lafayette College. A Why School essay is the cornerstone of Lafayette College’s supplemental essay requirements. Let’s take a look at an example from a student accepted to Lafayette.
The Why Tufts “Why this College” Essay Example
As college application deadlines approach, high school seniors everywhere are furiously working on draft after draft of their college essays. To make your fifth—or tenth—“Why this school?” just a bit easier, VSA Future college experts have a few tips:
The Why Cornell “Why this College” Essay Example
In this “about me, about you” essay, the author went on to explain how she developed an interest in animal rights before describing her interest in school X’s animal law program.
The Why Bowdoin “Why this College” Essay Example
In a narrative “why school X” essay, you tell a story about your evolving enthusiasm for a school. You might start by saying what first piqued your interest—a comment from a friend, an interview you saw with a dean—and then explain how your interest grew as you did more research. Describe your visit to the school, if you made one, or your conversation with a student or alumnus, if you spoke to one. Conclude with the strongest possible statement of your interest.
The Why Swarthmore “Why this College Essay Example
At times, you’ll find a “why this college” essay sample or two with a longer word count. However, most of our why school essay examples prompts have a smaller word limit. So, you generally need to be succinct when writing a why this college essay. For some students, this may mean writing your initial draft without worrying about the word count, then editing your draft down to the most important parts.
The Why Johns Hopkins “Why this College” Essay Example
With a Franklin and Marshall acceptance rate of , this is considered a more selective school. However, the Franklin and Marshall acceptance rate should not affect your why this college essay. Also, as you craft your Franklin and Marshall application, note that the university no longer requires a Why School essay. Still, this essay provides a useful blueprint for other why school essay samples.
The Laptop Sticker “Why this College” Essay Example
Before you get into writing your why this college essay sample, we recommend getting to know more about the school you are applying to. One of the most important things you can do to prepare to write your why this college essay sample is to spend time researching specific aspects of the school that align with your candidate profile.