Get Inspired by the Best Argumentative Essay Examples

Choosing the topic is a long and stressful process. You never know what the best way to introduce your views and ideas on paper is. There are several working tips to find the right topic. You may ask the professor if there are any possible issues for discussion. You should also go and ask your group mates if they came up with the right topic. If you still have little idea about the writing, it is time to brainstorm.
The specificity of argumentative essay writing lies in the necessity to introduce relevant research facts. It isn’t enough to provide the reader with your idea and base the paper on intuitive thoughts. The need for the research is obvious because all the topics are mostly controversial. You can’t persuade the reader of the correctness of your thoughts unless you offer substantial information support from trustworthy sources. I just was looking for a suitable topic for an essay about religion! And this topic Schools do not have to promote any religion because students may come from different religious groups will be very proper for me! Thank you! Hi! I have never had to write an argumentative essay before and thanks for your article I know how to write it. If I get a task to write such type of essays and I am able to choose a topic for it, I will use this list of topics you shared here! So I will save all of them just in case! Here’s a complete list of argumentative essay topics. It will help you generate ideas and come up with relevant ones. Let’s read them and see what options you may have as a writer. According to the statistical data, testing in the US is conducted on 26 million animals. Those animals are used for research in the field of commercial products and various scientific advancements. Besides, animals are used to test the latest medical treatment, check on the toxicity of drugs, and verify the level of safety that the products aimed at people will have. Animal testing is also in demand in the commercial industry and the area of health care. Since it is an issue of intense arguments whether it is ethically correct to use the animals in experiments, an animal testing argumentative essay is among the most popular topics at schools, colleges, and universities. Thus, the topic should be debatable! If you are not offered the topic for your paper by the instructor, then you are very lucky! You have the possibility to choose one of the best topics for argumentative essay from our list! Any topic picked up from this article will be a good start for your outstanding paper! So, here is the list for those, who are looking for the most unique and interesting argumentative essay topics ever! The topics are grouped into several big subsets.

Here are some argumentative essay topics for 6th-grade students:

The most difficult part about an argumentative essay topic is taking a side. As you may know, your main task in argumentative writing is to present the claims that support your point of view. But with so intense controversion behind some issues, it may be hard to do. Focusing on subjects that have tons of supporting examples is a good idea to overcome this challenge.

Informative Argumentative Essay Examples by Experts

To turn any idea into an argumentative essay topic, you should make it sound debatable. An issue needs to have two sides of the coin to be disputable. Choose any such issue and try to find some controversial aspects. Then, take a side, share your position and try to convince your audience that your viewpoint is true.

Do you have some serious topics for an argumentative essay?

There is nothing bad about choosing argumentative essay topics that everyone knows about. But as a student, you should present some research and make a contribution. For this reason, you should show a fresh approach to some burning issues. Try to do in-depth research and focus on some unique aspects.

How to Write an Argumentative Essay - With Steps & Examples

Topic sentence of an argumentative essay is a sub-point of your thesis statement. To write your topic sentences, you should firstly divide your central idea into digestible pieces of information. This should be a specific claim that supports your main argument. When deciding on a subtopic, make sure there are enough facts to prove your point.

Winning Argumentative Essay Examples Written by Experts

These essays discuss issues around a range of topics, including science, technology, politics, and healthcare. Whether you’re a teacher looking for essay topics for your students or a tasked with developing an idea of your own, we’ve compiled a list of 50 argumentative essay topics to help you get started!

Argumentative Essay on Mental Health - Tips and Examples

Correct topic selection is very important for further investigation. Hopefully, our collection of argumentative essay topics has helped you to find some worthy ideas. Once you select an issue to discuss, make sure that you narrow it down. Nothing works better than a tailored topic. After all, you will be the one writing your essay. If not, our will be there to help in no time!